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The brains of the operation
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LM317T Variable Voltage Regulator
The garage door controller supplies 12V, we need 3.3V
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200R resistor
For the regulator feedback circuit
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120R resistor
For the regulator feedback circuit
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330R resistor
A pull up resistor for the RX line
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3k3 resistors
More pull ups
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1N4004 diode
Back EMF protection
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8k2 resistor
Driver for the transistor
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Driver for the relay
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RR1A SPDT 12V reed relay
For closing the switch circuit on the garage door controller
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PCB tactile switch
Reset, Program and onboard door opening and closing
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To sense if the door is open or closed
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Bell wire
4m to wire up the switch at the end of the garage door frame
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TO-220 Heatsink. Max 14 C/W
You'll need to be creative, as I didn't design the board to take a heatsink...