My goal is to build a bowden cable actuated robot arm; by placing the actuators outside the arm, my robot arm can be more efficient, so I don't need to use bigger motors to lift the same amount of weight. In this project I experiment to find the right actuator design.
I made a bowden cable using 1.8mm Kevlar thread and 2mm inner 4mm outer diameter (3d printer bowden tube for 1.75mm filament) PTFE tube, with a thread cutting tool I cutted screw thread on the outside of the tube to make it grippy, then i glued the tubes inside the holes of the housing, then the Kevlar thread are connected to the pulley's reel.
I like the Kevlar thread approach beacuse Kevlar is lightweight and has a similar tensile strength by diameter to steel and more importantly I can easily bend the thread low radius, so I can make a reel smaller than the pulley to increase the transmission ratio, without using another pulley.
The pulley and the reel works well, but the PTFE tube is trying to collapse if I try to lift more than 3kg.
It looks like I have two options: change the PTFE tube to steel bowden housing or using another pulley and a bigger reel to move a fully steel bowden setup.