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arduino powered embedded platform For more info - http://evive.cc/
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soil moisture sensor
this sensor can be purchased from here - http://www.amazon.in/Soil-Moisture-Sensor-Arduino-Raspberry/dp/B018TNSCMC?tag=googinhydr18418-21&tag=googinkenshoo-21&ascsubtag=535a3c08-c8c0-4ece-9017-0c870346bdd8
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Humidity sensor
DHT11 - is the humidity sensor which you can buy at - http://www.amazon.in/Digital-Temperature-Humidity-Arduino-Official/dp/B00ZA6CFZ2/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1467139073&sr=8-6&keywords=humidity+sensor+for+arduino
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Temperature sensor
LM35 - which you can get from - http://www.amazon.in/Robo-India-Temperature-Sensor-LM35/dp/B00WO5AFPE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1467139317&sr=8-1&keywords=lm35+temperature+sensor
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water pump
a water pump to water the plant when the moisture level goes down
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thin water tube
to take the water from pump to plant as compatible with your pump
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ESP8266 WiFi module
WiFi module to print the sensor values on the telnet client i.e. your computer you can buy it from - http://www.amazon.in/AI-Transceiver-ESP8266-ESP-12E-Wireless/dp/B00RJJHWLA/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1467139355&sr=8-3&keywords=esp+8266
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12 Volt battery
a small 12 volt battery for pump
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Dupont jumper cables
as many as you want