E3D has a tiny geared extruder. This puts it on a D-Bot
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$fs=0.01; module Wrencher(){ difference(){ union(){ linear_extrude( file = "HaDLogo.dxf", layer = "skull", height = 6, center = false, convexity = 10); linear_extrude( file = "HaDLogo.dxf", layer = "wrenches_a", height = 4, center = false, convexity = 10); linear_extrude( file = "HaDLogo.dxf", layer = "wrenches_b", height = 4, center = false, convexity = 10); } translate([0,0,6]){ linear_extrude( file = "HaDLogo.dxf", layer = "face", height = 4, center = true, convexity = 10); } } } module beltGroove(){ difference(){ union(){ translate([0,-2,3.5]){ cube([7,12.5,2.5]); translate([0,12.5,0]) rotate([45,0,0]) cube([7,7,2.5]); for (i = [1:2:12]){ rotate([0,90,0]) translate([0,i,0]) cylinder(d=1,h=7); } } translate([-3,5,-0.1]) boltHole(); translate([10,5,-0.1]) boltHole(); } translate([0,-4,5]) cube([8,20,10]); } } module hexagon(width, rad, height){ hull(){ translate([width/2-rad,0,0]) cylinder(r=rad,h=height); rotate([0,0,60]) translate([width/2-rad,0,0]) cylinder(r=rad,h=height); rotate([0,0,120]) translate([width/2-rad,0,0]) cylinder(r=rad,h=height); rotate([0,0,180]) translate([width/2-rad,0,0]) cylinder(r=rad,h=height); rotate([0,0,240]) translate([width/2-rad,0,0]) cylinder(r=rad,h=height); rotate([0,0,300]) translate([width/2-rad,0,0]) cylinder(r=rad,h=height); } } module boltHole(){ union(){ hexagon(7,0.25,2.5); translate([0,0,-2]) cylinder(d=3.3, h=10); } } module fanHoles(){ for (i = [20:10:120]){ translate([56,i,0]) boltHole(); } } module endstop(){ translate([21.5,12.5,-0.1]) boltHole(); translate([40.5,12.5,-0.1]) boltHole(); translate([14.5,1.75,5]) rotate([270,0,0]) cylinder(d=4,h=13); translate([24,6.25,5]) rotate([90,90,90]) cylinder(d=4,h=15); } module clipHoles(){ translate([5,20,-0.1]) boltHole(); translate([5,30,-0.1]) boltHole(); } module inductiveSensor(){ union(){ difference(){ cube([15,35,55]); translate([-1,16.5,40]) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(d=19,h=25); translate([0,0,10]) cube([10,35,55]); translate([0,0,10]) rotate([270,0,0]) cylinder(d=20,h=35); } } difference(){ translate([-15,0,0]) rotate([0,45,0]) cube([40,5,40]); translate([15,0,0]) cube([40,40,40]); translate([-15,0,-40]) cube([80,40,40]); } difference(){ translate([-15,30,0]) rotate([0,45,0]) cube([40,5,40]); translate([15,0,0]) cube([40,40,40]); translate([-15,0,-40]) cube([80,40,40]); } } module motorMountHoles(){ boltHole(); translate([0,0,7]) cylinder(d=6,h=40); translate([-15,0,0]) boltHole(); translate([-15,0,7]) cylinder(d=6,h=40); translate([-30,0,0]) boltHole(); translate([-30,0,7]) cylinder(d=6,h=40); translate([-45,0,0]) boltHole(); translate([-45,0,7]) cylinder(d=6,h=40); translate([0,60,0]) boltHole(); translate([0,60,7]) cylinder(d=6,h=40); translate([-15,60,0]) boltHole(); translate([-15,60,7]) cylinder(d=6,h=40); translate([-30,60,0]) boltHole(); translate([-30,60,7]) cylinder(d=6,h=40); translate([-45,60,0]) boltHole(); translate([-45,60,7]) cylinder(d=6,h=40); } module stepperHoles(){ cylinder(d=23, h=10); translate([15.5,15.5,0]) cylinder(d=3, h=10); translate([-15.5,15.5,0]) cylinder(d=3, h=10); translate([15.5,-15.5,0]) cylinder(d=3, h=10); translate([-15.5,-15.5,0]) cylinder(d=3, h=10); } module directDriveAdapter(){ difference(){ translate([-50,-5,0]) cube([40,70,25]); translate([-30,30,15]) stepperHoles(); translate([0,0,-4]) motorMountHoles(); translate([-54,5,0]) cube([60,50,22]); } } module dualExtrusionAdapter(){ difference(){ translate([-50,-5,0]) cube([25,70,40]); translate([0,0,-4]) motorMountHoles(); translate([-54,5,0]) cube([60,50,25]); } } module basePlateFront(){ difference(){ hull(){ translate([0,0,0]) cylinder(d=4, h=5); translate([62,0,0]) cylinder(d=...
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ACROBOTIC Industries
Ivan Demyachenko
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