Hey there!
How many times do you open a terminal/command prompt while running nodejs apps?
- I had some C# knowledge that we need to solve the issue, problem people have.
So i decide to build this tool to get started faster and solve everyday life as a coder!
Here is my alternative/ solution
1. Click the "Server File" button and locate you App file (index.js)
2. Click "Start Server"
3. Whoozaa!
- Program written in C# - Windows
- mongoDB - mongod.exe instance integrated(in > Tools)
- NPM Installer integation - hmm in v2.o ?!?
(you find that on my GitHub as a separate desktop app)
Why did i do this?
- Many of my classmates had some difficulties starting NodeJS projects/Apps through the terminal/command prompt and installing NPM modules simple and easy...