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Arduino Uno
Main Logic Board
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DROK® L298N Motor Drive Controller Board
Controller the 12V DC Motor
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12V High Torque DC Motor
Bought a high speed motor from a hobby store and added a gear system from amazon to make it low speed, high torque.
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Used to detect how much ambient light there is, to determine what time of day.
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Temperature Sensor - Waterproof (DS18B20)
From Sparkfun.com, Used to determine whether it is too cold for the chickens to go outside
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3 Inch Pulley
From Grainger.com
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Brass Spacer for Motor and Pulley
From Grainger.com
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Mini Micro Limit Switch
Amazon.com, Used to determine the position of the door
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DROK® 3 Pcs 40-pin Breadboard Jumper Wires Kit
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E-Projects 25EP5144K70 4.7k Ohm Resistors
Used for the temperature sensor, photocell, and 3 mini limit switches
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1 Stainless Steel Box
Used to store the boards in.
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Misc wire
From RadioShack, used to connect the micro switches and motor to the arduino and motor controller
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Strong enough to lift the 12 pound door
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12v Power Supply
Used to power the motor/motor controller. I used an xbox 360 PSU
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Power supply for arduino