There are 3 non standard screws in the case. If you don't have tools like me. You can scratch of coating, add some flux and add a drop of very hot solder quickly so you don't melt plastic underneath. Then you can solder a pin header to unscrew it easily. You can clean solder and cut a slot for further assemble and disassemble.
There isn't a lot parts in side. I haven't investigated much but I think there is a PMIC, a SPI flash and DA14580.
The good thing is all SPI flash pins are exposed. You can even cut the trace to isolate it. This makes it easy to dump the firmware from this flash chip.
I suppose the encryption can be hacked by static analysis or move the firmware to a dev board for debugging.
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I sacrificed my device and removed the negative terminal to see what was below. I damaged it more than I would have liked, but found another test pad, and more traces:
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Thanks for the sacrifice. I am attempting to map the pins of the processor to the board to we can hopefully tap into the SWD JTAG pins to allow debugging.
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I opened my case and found the same chips, but for the 'A1 HFG 5DP' and 'D166B' slightly different markings, 'A1 HNG 5BJ' and 'D165M'. I'm assuming they're unimportant differences, but worth documenting.
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Dev kits are reasonable.
Data sheet for the chip here:
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I suspect that the three pins are T_TCK, T_TMB, TRESET or SWCLK, SWDIO, RESET
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There are iOS and Android apps that talk to the service available here:
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IF DA14580 boot from ext spi flash, you can dump the whole plain firmware.
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That is what I'm thinking. We can hood logic analyzer to those pads to verify that and we can cut traces to dump it.
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