
Initial Thoughts

A project log for Monoprice Select Mini Electro-Mechanical Upgrades

Endeavoring to build upon the existing fanbase work of this $200-ish printer.

michael-obrienMichael O'Brien 07/15/2016 at 04:571 Comment

I've done some exploration of the MP Select Mini in the past 24 hrs. Nothing is perfected yet and this is just a "notes" entry as my thoughts and findings coalesce.

Electrical & Electronics end:

Mechanical end:


Bob Headrick wrote 10/20/2016 at 04:10 point

Thanks for the tip about the placement of the nozzle in the heat block.  I have been having issues since disassembling the printhead to clean it, I had the nozzle too low and the PLA was clogging in the guide tube.  Hopefully your suggestion will be enough to fix this, if not at least I have some clues of where to look.  I had noticed the clogs in the heat tube and the very soft PLA when I was pulling it out.  

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