I tried to get some data out of a KKMOON branded laser range meter.
It's inside is from SNDWAY and looks basicly like the UNI-T UT390B+. Moreover there were some debug pads inside wired to RX and TX but they were dead.
First I did some measurements on different pins, like Simon did, but finally I gave up since it was too time consuming.
Now I have orded some other device beeing supposed to have an active RS232 port. So I will keep you informed if I have any news.
Moreover I attached the information I could find out about the pinning - it's written in German. Unfortunately I couldn't upload the pdf file.
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Reading the distance from the above shown laser distance meter works now with an Arduino Mini.
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Excellent work! Thanks. Would you mind me adding the link to the project description/details? Or would you prefer if we wait for the "more to come" that your blog promises?
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Go ahead, add it. I will keep the blog post up to date with my work.
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I'm trying to hack the above mentioned meter. See https://www.mictronics.de/2018/02/laser-distance-meter-hack/
Found what look like an SPI bus on a missing chip footprint. Any help appreciated.
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Sorry, didn't get an alert for this comment. Replied above though.
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Stefan, I've only just seen your post - wow! Thanks for sharing. It's disappointing that these are less easy to hack than we'd hoped but I'm sure that people will find a way and it will all become a lot faster if we build off each other's discoveries. It's demoralising when we hit hurdles and walls but keep up the good work!
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