11Step 11
Section: 10
A completed optical Assembly including the Raman Section and the Spectrometer.
Components Required:
- A completed objectiveLens Mount
- A completed beamSplitter Assembly
- A completed laserShutter Assembly
- A completed mirrorMount Assembly
- A completed laserEmitter Assembly
- A completed filterSelector Assembly
- A completed Spectrometer
- (20x) M2 - 0.45 12.9mm Socket Cap Screws
- (16x) M2 - 0.45 Nuts
- (4x) M4 16mm Socket Cap Screws
You will also have probably wanted to align your spectrometer before building this..
Click on the graphic above to open a new tab with instructions on how to build your Optical Assembly!
12Step 12
Section: 11
Cuvette Tray Assembly has not been written yet.. =P
13Step 13
Section: 1
A completed TFT LCD and Touch Panel Display
Components Required:
- Printed versions of the following 3D Printed Objects from the gitHub respository:
- (1x) Cube beam splitter 12.5mm for 532nm
- (5x) M2 - 0.45 12.9mm Socket Cap Screws
- (1x) 2.2 inch 2.2" SPI TFT LCD Display module 240x320 ILI9341 51/AVR/STM32/ARM/PIC
- (9x) WS2812B LED With Heatsink 5050 SMD RGB WS2811S IC Built-in 5V
- (1x) 9 Conductor 1 foot Ribbon Cable
- (1x) Roll of Nashua Aluminum Multi-Purpose Foil Tape, 3.2 mil, 9m Length, 48mm Width
Special Tool Required:
- Silhouette Cameo or equivalent vinyl / hobby cutter.
Click on the graphic above to open a new tab with instructions on how to build your TFT LCD and Touch Panel!
- Printed versions of the following 3D Printed Objects from the gitHub respository:
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I think it fair to say that this is an incomplete project…. Anyone going to take it up?
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the itx case is a bitfenix prodigy
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Is there any update for finding the rest of the instruction sets? I'm in the process of beginning this project and was under the assumption there was at least a complete set of instructions.
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I am hoping to build one of these units. In looking through the instructions, I noticed a few sections missing. Are there links to the missing instructions elsewhere?
I am especially curious about the connections needed between the electronics and the Raspberry Pi as well as how all of the boards, sensors and the spectrometer connect together and fit in the ITX case.
Thank you!
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