

A project log for Long zero, LiTZ wilderness protocol

Ham radio LiTZ decoder

garyGary 08/28/2016 at 20:140 Comments

In the files section is the arduino software needed for this project. It has a number of optional features that I didnt implement. It has the ability to support a secondary speaker for alerting only with an alarm or you can use as I have chosen to just turn the speaker on. About the only change I might make to the software would be a timeout on how long the speaker is open. If this is used at a monitoring station then triggering and leaving trigged would be fine. For home operations you might not want to come home and fout that sometime during the day the alarm kicked off.

While attended for LITZ wilderness protocol use, it could be modifed to support DTMF paging for an ARES group. Change the code to use whatever tones you want. Single or mutli tone could be supported with minimal code changes.

Let me know how you end up using this project.

Gary N8EMR.


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