
7/30 and 7/31

A project log for TiaraC0n Tiara for DC24

14 days to DYI a tiara for bragging rights and prizes

techgirlTechGirl 07/31/2016 at 23:380 Comments

So Saturday went well, I got everything assembled and all but the button and mic hooked up. Today, (7/31) not so much. I finished the soldering and went to start the last of the code since I could now work on the actual hardware when disaster struck. First the pro mini started smoking when I hooked it up to my laptop, unexpected since it worked and blinked when I tested it with a battery pack. ( I was shipped a 3.3v Pro Mini and I had a short in the neopixels) So, back to the bench I went, then I accidentally knocked it off the bench while disconnected the burnt board, and the main gem (defcon logo) popped off. When it rains it pours. It's now 5 pm and I back to where I was when I went to bed last night.
