
Designing Boss for Casing

A project log for evive: a prototyping platform for makers

An open-source Arduino based toolkit to learn, build & debug electronics and robotics projects

dhrupal-r-shahDhrupal R Shah 10/10/2016 at 18:150 Comments

There are lots of methods for PCB mounting in enclosures (casing) like snap fitting the PCB or mounting it using mounting holes (Boss) or using the standoff. Boss are a plastic feature for mechanical fastners.

For evive's PCB, we have used 4 mounting holes. The PCB is placed between the top and bottom plastic parts. The sandwiched PCB and casing are hold together using 4 bosses.

This tutorial explains some of these design aspects for plastic parts.

We have used self-threading screws of 2mm diameter as commonly used in electronics device enclosures. For designing the Boss, we have used this guide (or as per design catalogue of self-threading screw manufacturer)
