This is my small robot powered by a tl-wr 703 running openwrt with a bit of hacking and tweaking these can become some nice little development boards runinng linux with wifi onboard and a handfull of GPIOs at the moment ive got the little guy up and running with a simple web interface as a proof on concept im planning on building a better web interface and attaching a webcam to its handy usb port for some POV style driving and giving it some automation once ive found some more GPIO's to break out
cheap chinese robot chassis
great little base for robot projects and cheap as chips
tl-wr 703
small pocket router built for the chinese market
I have managed to find 4 spare GPIO's on the tl wr703 and have gotten the robot built up with these i do still have access to the 2 GPIO's for the serial port however i am doing what i can to leave these alone just in case i brick the little router its nice to have easy access to a terminal, ive built up a simple web interface to turn all of the GPIO pins on and off these are all controlled through cgi scripts stored on the web server i pull these into an iframe on the main control page to keep it responsive.
Next i will be building a better interface for the control of the vehicle and getting some new batteries so that the motors actually work properly there a bit gutless at the moment and the left wheel needs a little push to get it moving.