03/30/2018 at 09:54 • 0 commentsnothing here to see
02/14/2018 at 14:29 • 0 commentswhat is this?
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Hey thanks for all the comments on #AiPi and for joining the project!
Thanks for following #City Air Quality . You know what my work is all about, right?
Send me a message on https://www.uradmonitor.com/join-the-network/ to learn how to support this project. And share it to your friends, because this important work relies on the community exposure.
Hi TegwynTwmffat, Thanks for liking and following
InspectorBot! Also congratulations on Cell Phone 4G LTE Repeater / Booster /
Femtocell win in Best products!
Thank you for following RGGBer project. It is now live on
https://www.crowdsupply.com/jie-zou/rggber-dev-kit and we will launch it in Aug 2017 and you may sign up for latest information. RGGBer Dev Kit makes embedded vision development easy!
Thanks for following AnanasStepper 2.0!!!https://hackaday.io/project/20980-ananasstepper-20
Thank you for liking and following my #LiFePO4wered/Solar1 and #PTSprinkler projects!
Thanks for following my FT232 Fibre Optic Interface project. I hope to push an update to this project out in the coming weeks, when my hectic work schedule allows. This will utilise a Hammond extruded enclosure, better connectivity, and everyone's favourite: more LEDs!