It’s been almost 16 years ago when I’ve made my first Robot, A simple line-follower one. Since then, I was constantly dealing almost every time with Motors and their issues personally within the teams I was working alongside, Observing how crucial they are, and how it can get frustrating for non-technical and technical people to get their hands on them. I’ve witnessed how we spent hundreds of hours in different projects to deal with motors and I wish we could have had something that could speed us up so that we could focus on what really mattered in our projects, the real goals and results ( obviously running motors was not the final goal :) ).
That’s how we came up with the idea of SOLO in 2016 as a team in POLIFACTORYwhich is a FABLAB in Milan Italy. We are determined to eliminate the need for people to spend a vast amount of their time in prototyping and projects on Motors, helping them to speed up their product design with the minimum effort possible and giving them the chance to experiment and make mistakes and go on! Now after 4 years of constant work and 5 prototypes made, we have decided to share our results with the community with the hope to bring our project on a new level .

- Wide input voltage supply range (from 8V to 58V)
- The continuous output current of 32A, Max Current of 100A
- Capable of controlling DC, BLDC, PMSM and ACIM motors
- Dual Core with parallel processing architecture
- Extremely fast FOC loop-rate up to 140kHz (7µs complete execution time)
- Over-current, Over-voltage, Over-Temperature, Under-voltage and Reverse Polarity Protection
- Selectable output PWM switching frequency (from 8kHz to 80kHz)
- Automatic self-tuning and identification of Motor parameters
- Open-loop or Closed-loop Control modes
- Speed, Torque or Position control
- Advanced Sensor-less and Sensor-based Control
- Advance Field Oriented Control
- PWM and Analogue voltage input for Controlling Speed and Torque
- USB, UART, and CAN Bus (ISO 11898) Communication enabled
- SVPWM modulation
- Encoder and Hall Sensor Input with +5V supply
- +5V/1A (5W) output to supply external modules
- Updatable Firmware
- Heatsink mounted on the back of the board to enhance the thermal behavior
- 2000µF onboard BUS capacitance
As stated above one of the strongest points of using SOLO is its ability in controlling motors in Sensor-less mode, which makes you able to control the speed or torque of your motors without having Encoders or Hall sensors. Below is an example, you can see how is the quality of speed control in sensorless mode on a 150W Brushless DC motor with a sudden change of direction from clockwise to counter-clockwise and vice versa.

Another feature of SOLO is using advanced Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation known as SVPWM for Brushless motors which results in a much more efficient switching and subsequently smoother behavior in control over 3-phase motors. In below you can see the recorded line-line voltage of the phases of a 200W Brushless DC motor using SVPWM in SOLO:

Another thing about SOLO, we mounted heatsink on the back of it, which will result...
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Your graph with the startup and the 3 phase voltages looks very weird to me. Can you explain why the phase shifts between the three lines are not symmetrical?