

A low-cost mouse replacement for people with motor restriction. Operated either by the fingers or the lips.

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The FLipMouse (Finger- and Lipmouse) is a device which is intended to be a replacement for a normal PC mouse. Instead of moving the mouse device with your hand and clicking with your fingers, you move the mouse cursor by applying very low forces to the mouthpiece. The clicking functionality is done by sip and puff at the mouthpiece.
This device is originally designed for people with motor disabilities, who can not afford a medical device as mouse replacement.
The FLipMouse is easily configurable via a provided GUI and can record and replay infrared remote codes. You can adapt the sensitivity, speed and intended HID actions for each possible trigger (mouth piece, external buttons, sip & puff).

The FLipMouse has been developed in course of the AsTeRICS Academy project at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien. The project is partly funded by the City of Vienna (MA23).

The FLipMouse is an open source Assistive Technology module developed by the AsTeRICS Academy project of the University of Applied Sciences, Technikum Wien. The FLipMouse allows people who cannot use standard computer input devices to control a computer mouse cursor or a joystick as well as typing desired keyboard keys or using infrared remote controls. The FLipMouse device can be actuated with minimal finger- or lip-movements and/or sip & puff activities via a dedicated mouthpiece which acts as a low force, zero-way joystick.

The FLipMouse Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a software application intended for use in conjunction with the FLipMouse device. The user manual includes a description of the Graphical User Interface for the configuration of the different functions of the FLipmouse – as well as explanations how to use those features.

The FLipMouse consists of a several electronic components and sensors which are mounted in an acrylic glass enclosure. The primary method for using the FLipMouse is the transparent stick (“Hygienic Stick” or “mouthpiece”) which can be attached to the front of the FLipMouse. Additionally, two external momentary switches can be attached to the device for further input capabilities.

A configured FLipmouse module can be used on any computer without installation of special software, because the FLipMouse module behaves exactly like a standard mouse, joystick or keyboard which is plugged into the computer. Via USB HID, the FlipMouse can be used to control Windows, Linux or Mac computers, as well as Android Phones and Tablets. Via the optional Bluetooth add-on also iOS devices can be controlled using the provided switch- and "voiceover" integration. Furthermore, the FlipMouse contains an infrared receiver module and a high power IR-led for recording and replay of infrared remote control commands, making the device a versatile tool for environmental control.

The Hygienic Stick is made by the company QuadJoy. Replacement sticks can be ordered via the homepage: We want to thank Bill and Debra Street of QuadJoy for letting us use their mouthpiece for our FLipMouse construction kit!

If you need further information, different tools for different people or simply some pictures, please visit our homepage at:

or our Github account:


Configuration application, allows you to change all relevant parameters of this device

x-ms-dos-executable - 297.00 kB - 09/09/2016 at 09:04



Full user manual, providing all necessary information how to use, setup, mount and clean the FLipMouse

Adobe Portable Document Format - 1.79 MB - 08/24/2016 at 10:42



A step-by-step manual how to build the FLipMouse device. It is designed to be as easy as possible, to allow low-experienced users to build this device

Adobe Portable Document Format - 19.63 MB - 09/09/2016 at 08:53


Package of the music interface, including all necessary files (without nonOSS software)

Zip Archive - 45.23 MB - 09/22/2016 at 08:45


  • 1 × TeensyLC TEENSYLC,
  • 1 × MPXV7007GP - pressure sensor Digikey: MPXV7007GP-ND
  • 4 × FSR400 (long version) - force sensor FSR400, Digikey: 1027-1000-D
  • 2 × Jack plugs JISC 6560 (3.5mm) Farnell: 1216979
  • 1 × EVQ-PF108K Farnell: 2079506, Digikey: P10884S-ND

View all 40 components

  • FLipMouse Upgrade - ESP32

    benjaminaigner02/28/2018 at 18:51 0 comments

    Dear followers, dear interested AT enthusiasts,

    sorry for this long delay, we are not very good at doing social media ;-)

    Anyway, we are working quite hard on our FLipMouse.

    If we had a look at our current design, we saw it is already quite stuffed with all the functions we built in.

    As we are hackers too, we were fascinated of the ESP32 right from the beginning.

    So we proudly announce that we are doing in cooperation with a Viennese company a new PCB design based on ESP32.

    It will be fully command compatible to existing v2.x devices and GUIs, but now we can do much more additional stuff:

    -) WebGUI for configuration (of course only enabled by physical user input)

    -) So much more space for configuration and IR commands

    -) Learning mode

    -) More advanced analog processing

    -) Neopixel animations

    If you want to check out the current status, have a look at the firmware repository:

    The PCB is not finished, but of course it will be freely available

    We will drop the concept of a complete construction kit with THT parts only, instead we will optimize the PCB for smaller and cheaper surface mounted devices.

    In addition, it will be much cheaper to produce and pre-assemble this PCB.

    But no worry, we always will have a PCB a hacker can assemble :-).

    In addition our FABI device ( will be ESP32 based as well.

    If you have any suggestions on the new PCB/firmware please drop a comment!

    One last remark: Why did Espressif saved the USB interface on the ESP32 :-)?

    Now we need to place an additional LPC11U14 chip on our board...

    Anyway, have a nice day!

  • Bluetooth and USB-HID - control 2 devices

    benjaminaigner05/26/2017 at 14:26 0 comments

    Hi @all,

    long time since our last post, but the development is going on!

    Since we are deploying this device, a few additions were added.

    The current firmware update provides new possibilities:

    • Change mounting angle
    • assign each slot a different protocol (BT and/or USB)

    The mounting angle was interesting to implement, because some of our users were more comfortable with mounting the FLipMouse in a different angle (magic arm is e.g. mounted from the other side or top/bottom).

    In addition, what might be more interesting is the fact, that it's now possible to select for each slot individually which interface should be used. So, on one hand you might control the mouse of your PC (USB-HID only), switch to another slot and control your smartphone (or any other Bluetooth keyboard/mouse capable device) via Bluetooth on the other hand.

    If you select both, the mouse/keyboard commands are sent to both interfaces, so both is possible (nice, if Bluetooth is not connected).

    So long, until the next update :-)

  • Working 3D case, firmware upgrades

    benjaminaigner11/21/2016 at 10:34 0 comments

    The 3D printed case works!

    After a few changes, like too small holes and so on, we have a fitting 3D printed case now.

    We also altered the mouthpiece, using a cigarette tip (cheaper and easier to buy here).

    In addition to the new case design, we also updated the FLipMouse firmware, including following new features:

    • Optimized memory handling for slots, increasing the usable memory
    • Added a macro function for combined input actions
    • Acoustic feedback improved, making a small click sound for sip/puf

    Here are 2 pictures from the finished 3D printed version:

    Modified mounting of the sensors:

    If you want to build the 3D printed version too, you need a little bit different BOM:

    • Additional parts: 6x screw nut (RS-components: 278-584)
    • Replace the M4x25 screws by M3x25 screws

    Everything else is the same!

    Happy building!

  • 3D printed case

    benjaminaigner11/02/2016 at 11:53 0 comments

    As it is much more common to have a 3D printer at home instead of a laser cutter, we developed a 3D printed version of the case. It might be more expensive than the lasercut case, but it is much more convenient, especially if you want to assemble the FLipMouse by yourself.

    We currently have a test print, it looks quite nice and because of the 3D printing, a few additional features are possible.

    For example:

    • No glue is necessary
    • We will put metal thread inserts into the case (no thread cutter necessary), mounted with a solder iron
    • Easier assembly

    A few pictures of the prints:

    The print took 4:20 hours with a Prusa i3 MK2 in "normal" resolution.

    When the metal thread inserts arrive, we will try to fully assemble the case, of course you will get updates right here :-)

    The design files are available at GitHub.

    I designed the case with FreeCAD, thanks to the small getting started here at hackaday!

  • FLipMouse and iOS

    benjaminaigner10/17/2016 at 10:38 0 comments

    Using the FLipMouse with a normal PC/notebook is not a problem at all. Build it, plug it in and it works as mouse. In addition, you can switch to a second slot with keyboard cursor keys, making browsing through files and the web easier. This is done by the default slot settings, as it is pre-flashed with the firmware.

    If you ever want to restore a FLipMouse to its default setting, just load the "default.set" file and overwrite all settings.

    Using the FLipMouse with mobile devices can be a little bit more tricky. Android is not a problem, either you have USB-OTG functionality, then you immediately get a mouse cursor. If you don't have USB-OTG, don't worry, build the Bluetooth addon, pair your phone/tablet with the module and you are done.

    There is still one major platform missing: iOS

    It is a little bit more tricky to use a device like the FLipMouse (which acts like a mouse) on a mouse-free OS. Switch control is the keyword!

    You need a FLipMouse with the Bluetooth addon (see

    Configure the FLipMouse in alternative mode, the joystick is now triggering key presses (the default settings map slot 2 to these settings).

    Setup these key presses as switches in iOS:

    Go to Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Switch Control -> Switches

    and add a new switch, for each mouthpiece direction or external switch.

    Afterwards, you could assign e.g. "Move to next item" to "left", "Select item" to "right" and the home screen to "down". If you want to use Siri too, you might assign the Siri activation to "up".

  • FLipMouse goes Africa

    benjaminaigner10/12/2016 at 13:55 0 comments

    In November 2015, we went to Meru county in Kenya trying to elaborate a funded cooperation.

    We visited different special schools with the need for Assistive Tools or low-cost PCs and the MUST university (Meru University of Science & Technology) for technical cooperation.

    Unfortunately, this project didn't get funded, nevertheless it was a wonderful experience! A big thanks to Amos Kirongo, Dismas Kitaria and Ken Mbui for the pleasant journey to a beautiful country!

    Copyright pictures: Sophia Rührer - Sophography (2015) -

  • Using the FLipMouse as Accessible Music Synthesizer & Sequenzer

    benjaminaigner09/22/2016 at 08:44 0 comments

    "Freaky Tricky" and "Chordion" are accessible music interfaces developed by Georg Schmelzer Ziringer in cooperation with Harry Hötzinger, Cornelia Salomon (student of bachelors degree in Biomedical Engineering) and the AsTeRICS Academy team. Both music interfaces build upon the Open Source Software PureData. "Freaky Tricky" and "Chordion" can be combined with special input solutions - in our case with a FLipMouse.

    Using the AsTeRICS framework (, the interface can be extended to use further tools, like a FaceTracker mouse with a webcam or an eyetracker like TobiiEyeX or the EyeTribe. Both solutions are supported by AsTeRICS and the corresponding models are included in the music interface download.

    This video shows the music interface in action, played by Harry Hötzinger:

    The interface consists of two parts: the Freaky Tricky step sequencer and the Chordion synthesizer:

    You can use this step sequencer to play repeating sequences of e.g. drum or bongo beats. Pressing "ReStart"/"Stop" you can start/stop the sequencer. Each mark on the colored table represents one beat of a drum. It's possible to activate/deactivate a full line with the most left column.

    In addition to the step sequencer beats, you can play chords with the second surface "Chordion". These chords are optimized for Harry's pieces of music, but they can be adapted to every individual song.

    If you want to try this on your own, just download the file. Everything necessary is described in the README in there. Of course you can use this interface with a normal mouse or any other piece of AT solution.

    Building a music interface like this is a unique solution to destroy barriers for people and kids with motor restrictions.

  • Easy BOM - Digikey

    benjaminaigner09/09/2016 at 10:59 0 comments

    It's always annoying to copy&paste all the part numbers for a project.

    To ease this work, here is a quick link to a Digikey basket for the FLipMouse:

    Digikey quick basket

    In addition, you need different parts, which are not provided by Digikey:

    BOM without Digikey parts

    If you prefer Mouser, Farnell or RS, please use the full BOM:

    Full BOM

  • Construction manual

    benjaminaigner09/09/2016 at 09:03 0 comments

    Our goal is the easiest construction of the FLipMouse.

    To achieve this goal, we worked together with 3 students from a graphical school in Vienna, which helped us improving the graphical representation of this device.

    The results of this cooperation are a book about a user of this device, our nice logo and a construction manual.

    These people fostered our project:

    Thank you very much for your support for this project!

    Now you can find a construction manual at the files section of this project. Unfortunately there are a few errors in it, I will post an errata list soon. And of course, the manual will be updated if there is time!

  • FLipMouse goes wireless

    benjaminaigner09/05/2016 at 08:35 0 comments

    I managed to build a small addon board, which enables Bluetooth communication with a variety of different devices, adding the support to use iOS based devices.

    These devices don't have any USB-HID support, so it was necessary to use BT as communication channel.

    The addon is simply a Bluefruit EZ-KEY HID module (from Adafruit), soldered on a perfboard.

    In addition, the buzzer has to be moved on the addon board too, because of the limited space.

    Currently the firmware is under testing, if you wanna try it, please use the "bluetooth" branch:

    We will merge the branch, if everything works out fine

    Necessary parts for the addon:

    • Buzzer (you can re-use the existing one)
    • 4k7 (0.125W) resistor (you can re-use R3 for that)
    • Adafruit Bluefruit EZ-KEY HID
    • Female header 2x5 2.54mm
    • Perfboard: 55x27mm
    • Some thin wires


    1. Unsolder the buzzer and R3 (only if you don't have a new one) on the main PCB
    2. Solder the female header as shown in picture 1
    3. Solder wires to following pins of the header (the upper left is pin 1, the lower left is pin 2 on the main PCB):
      2 (VCC), 3 (buzzer), 7 (Teensy Serial3 RX), 8 (Teensy Serial3 TX), 10 (GND)
      Please use about 5cm wire for each pin and solder only ONE side
    4. Put the wires through holes in the perfboard nearby the soldered pin
    5. Solder the Bluetooth module, and connect following pins:
      "G" -> pin 10 (GND)
      "RX" -> pin 8 (Teensy TX)
      "TX" -> pin 7 (Teensy RX)
      "Vin" -> pin 2 (VCC)
    6. Solder the buzzer and the 4k7 resistor as shown in picture 2
    7. Connect one pin of the resistor to one pin of the buzzer
    8. Connect the remaining pin of the buzzer to GND
    9. Connect the remaining pin of the resistor to pin 3 (buzzer)
    10. Mount the addon board and re-assemble the FLipMouse (Picture 3 & 4)

    Picture 1: the female header position (upper left pin: 1; lower left pin: 2)

    Picture 2: the Bluefruit EZ-KEY HID module & the buzzer

    Picture 3: mounted addon board

    Picture 4: assembled FLipMouse (without covers)

    Update the firmware & you're finished!

    View all 12 project logs

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    benjaminaigner wrote 08/31/2016 at 13:25 point

    Regarding the usage of the FLipMouse for an eReader:

    It is stated here, that the Kobo Reader has built-in OTG support, but not enabled in the kernel:

    You can use the FLipMouse for Android phones with OTG support of course.

      Are you sure? yes | no

    PixJuan wrote 08/22/2016 at 08:54 point

    Nice project!
    I was thinking about proposing accessibility related projects to my students.

    -Writing a OSX/Linux configuration GUI for your FlipMouse?
    -Trying to rebuild one and report any issue that arise?
    -Add  FlipMouse support for Kindle and Kobo e-reader

    I'm open to other ideas

      Are you sure? yes | no

    benjaminaigner wrote 08/23/2016 at 08:56 point


    thx! We are figuring out either a GTK or a QT version of the GUI, both are available on all platforms.

    If you want to rebuild one, please have a look at the BOM file, located in the github repo under hardware/Lipmouse_Teensy_BOM.xls

    You need access to a laser cutter if you want to build the case.

    I'm not quite sure, but is it possible to attach a mouse/keyboard to a Kindle/Kobo?

    best regards

      Are you sure? yes | no

    PixJuan wrote 08/23/2016 at 09:48 point

    I think e-readers usually have a micro USB "device" port, not an OTG or USB host port. So they can only be plugged to a computer.
    I think the solution would involve some SoC with a USB host, a Raspberry Pi in the
    worst case, but preferably something smaller and cheaper.

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    benjaminaigner wrote 08/24/2016 at 10:37 point

    So it would be much more work to combine the FLipMouse with an eReader...

    Regarding your work with students:

    We can provide you a FLipMouse construction set if you can help us with the GUI and send us an evaluation form (it's just an A4 sheet :-))

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