
New case - easier FABI building

A project log for FABI - Flexible Assistive Button Interface

The FABI allows control of a computer’s mouse cursor and typing desired keyboard keys by using buttons

benjaminaignerbenjaminaigner 08/16/2017 at 10:370 Comments

We used this case for quite a long time. Unfortunately, the price of ~2.5$ is (of course compared to the total cost) quite high.

The solution was a little bit of shopping at Ali.

I requested a quote for 50 cases, including the drilling of all holes (decreases the construction kit complexity) and: its the same price :-).

If you drill the holes on your own, the price is half of the original case.

It's quite easy, just write the guys at szomk (enclosure manufacturer) and you get all the necessary drawings to send them a draft of your plans.

Let's see how the quality will be, if the cases arrive.

If everything is fine, we will assemble a construction which will be sold at
