
OHBO - One Hand Bottle Opener

OHBO is a 3D printed low cost tool, designed to allow people with only one hand avaliable, can open a water bottle.

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OHBO is a 3D printed low cost tool, designed to allow people with only one hand avaliable, can open a water bottle.

Hi everyone, this is my first hackaday project. I hope you like it, and the most important thing, i hope that be useful.

OHBO is a 3D printed low cost tool, designed to allow people with only one hand avaliable, can open a water bottle.

Every story has a begining.

I need water to survive. This is not a problem if i had my two hands avaliable, but this time, i only had one.

One thing that i had avaliable, was a prusa i3 3d printer so.. the magic begins!

I sketched up a simple tool, i printed it and did not work. So i try again and... OHBO had born.

The idea next was to simplify the design, make it better, cheaper and beautiful.

Since this day, i am working on it. I will upload here the updates.

The .stl files are avaliable in GitHub version 0.1 , version 0.2 , version 0.3.

Other hardware needed:

  • 1 M3x4mm screw (allen is best)
  • 1 M5x20mm screw (allen is best)
  • 1 M3 bolt (0.1 only)
  • 1 M5 bolt (0.1 only)
  • 5 euro cents (0.2 only)

The next picture are the provisional build instructions.

This is enought for today. See you soon.


Instructions V 0.1

Instructions Version. 0.2

This image is the view of the development process. The OHBO versions developed in the last weeks.

Instructions Version. 0.3


Standard Tesselated Geometry - 417.56 kB - 10/01/2016 at 18:20



Standard Tesselated Geometry - 255.75 kB - 10/01/2016 at 18:20



Standard Tesselated Geometry - 164.54 kB - 10/01/2016 at 18:20



Standard Tesselated Geometry - 568.93 kB - 09/11/2016 at 20:35



Standard Tesselated Geometry - 68.05 kB - 09/11/2016 at 20:35


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  • 1 × 1 M3x4mm screw (allen is best) (0.1 only)(
  • 1 × 1 M3 bolt 0.1 only
  • 1 × 1 M5x20mm screw
  • 1 × 1 M5 bolt
  • 1 × 5 cents euro coin (0.2 only)

  • V0.3 Final version and V0.5!

    Pablopeza10/01/2016 at 11:36 0 comments


    I have been working on this update for two weeks. This is a big update, includes the pressure buttons. At times, is difficult to keep OHBO in the right place of the bottle cap. This new addon, makes easy this procedure.

    Now ohbo has got 2 versions and more printable pieces, but i think that is worth.

    Introducing.... OHBO V0.5 and V0.3!

    On the picture above, you can see how many OHBOs are needed for develop two versions.

    V0.3 is the basic and most iconic version. This version is a good update from the 0.1. This version is the most versatile, cheap and simple. Only needs 3 printed pieces, a bolt and a screw. On his way, 0.5 is a line to the future. The way to try to simplify the opening process. v0.5 is one approach, but there is a lot of them.

    The files of the 0.5 are avaliable here

    This is the update of this week. I hope you enjoy.

  • V 0.3 update and hackaday entry.

    Pablopeza09/11/2016 at 20:30 0 comments

    Hi, on this week log i have a few things. The first is the announce of the 0.3 version. But, before i have say thanks. Last week, the proyect was posted on by Brian Benchoff.

    Hackaday review

    That was awesome for me, i never expected that level of repercusion. Thanks a lot ! :D

    Ok, lets continue.

    On this version 0.3 i remove the coin hole, this is because problems watched on the beta testing program. This new version is most ergonomic than 0.2. The mango was redisign for better performance.

    This new ohbo is lighter and ergonomic. Like the other weeks, i am in constant development

    Like the other weeks, i am in constant development. Thanks to the hackaday´s post, i heard ideas that i would like to implement in future versions. This is all for today. Thank to all of you that follows the proyect., greetings.

  • V 0.2 and version history

    Pablopeza09/03/2016 at 21:52 2 comments


    this update is about the 0.2 version of ohbo. I refined the shape of the ring part, and added space for a 5 cents of euro coin. This space is for use the coin as a bottle cap opener. This feature is in beta development. If you found any issue, please contact me via hackaday or my other social networks, feedback is very important.

    Other thing that i've updated is the mango a and b. Now, can be assembled without the m3 screw. This makes the design easy to make, cheap and light.

    I am in continuous development, in the next week, i hope can upload the physical explanation and other stuff.

    This is enought for today. I hope you enjoy.


  • Version 0.1 is here!

    Pablopeza08/28/2016 at 19:27 0 comments

    Dozens of tests later, i uploaded the first version of ohbo. This version is named 0.1. is now avaliable on github and hackaday. I have almost ready the second version of ohbo, the 0.2. I think that i will upload it this week.

    If anyone test it, i appreciate the feedback info.

    More things, i am making a post explaining the science behind this object. I will publish it when be ready.

    This is all for today. Greetings!

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  • 1
    Step 1

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Stanislav Zubenko wrote 07/10/2017 at 17:16 point

Small idea: add ribbed edge to provide better grip

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Pablopeza wrote 07/11/2017 at 20:14 point

Good point, I'll keep it in mind for the v2 or maybe a new iteration of this one . Thanks! :)

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Pablopeza wrote 04/10/2017 at 22:57 point

Thanks!:) . Modeling it in openscad, and making it parametric could be awesome!. I used fusion360 this time, but i want to try freecad. I heard that is possible to make parametric models.

But if you want to do it, it will be helpful
Greetings :)

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Alexis wrote 04/10/2017 at 13:06 point

Hi. Nice design! I guess you're not using Openscad to design these objects; I could use a parametric version of these (I'm thinking about orange juice bottle which are larger than water ones).  Or use Thingiverse customizer tool? Anyway I could re-design a simplified version of this when I have some spare time.

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