Pandelphi Cub
04/24/2018 at 08:30 • 1 commentPandelphi Cub continues on the ground where flight cannot take it.
Using my extensive experience with textiles and limb architectures I'm now finalising designs for a mechanically simple soft robot that contains the same touch-sense, avoidance and telemetry as the drone does, and also carries an Alexa based Echo Dot 2 in a pouch the same way.
It differs from the drone's behaviour only in that its movements can be slaved to another Cub in combination with conferencing, and its security functions are limited to room-guard rather than patrol.
Conferencing in Slave mode means the video from one cub is streamed to a remote tv, and it receives telemetry from the remote unit, which can be another Cub/TV or a phone/tablet etc.
This enables children too young to access Pandelphi's features via Alexa to interact with it on a level they do understand. In Social Play...
Using ten servos to control the legs and head of a soft toy in telemetry mode should be relatively simple with the funds and time allotted for the entry this year, and the interface will be needed for the drone, which is also relatively simple.
I'm using an X-Y shoulder joint and a single elbow, and a single Y Hip to accomplish walking, the remaining two servos will be used to pan and tilt the head, containing the camera.
Base Specification
04/20/2018 at 11:14 • 0 commentsSourcing the components and obtaining specifications
I need to build a careful specifications chart for this one, as flight has some rather tight requirements. Weight is of primary consideration and overrides all others to a large extent.
Echo Dot 2nd Gen
Width: 84mm
Depth: 84mm
Height: 32mm
Weight: 163 gramsNaze Hardware
Width: 36mm
Depth: 36mm
Height: ?
Weight: 7.3 gramsRaspberry Pi Zero
Width: 65mm
Depth: 31mm
Height: 12mm
Weight: 8.5 gramsRaspberry Pi Camera
Width: 25mm
Depth: 25mm
Height: 9mm
Weight: Estimated 3 gramsTurbines
Width: ?
Depth: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?Motors 1806 2300kv 2-3S / 2-4S
Width: 23mm
Depth: 23mm
Height: 26.4mm
Weight: 18 x 4 = 82 gramsThrust: 460 grams
ESCs BLHeli 20A
Width: 42mm
Depth: 20mm
Height: 8mm
Weight: 11 x 4 = 44 gramsBatteries Floureon 3S 2200mAh 11.1v
Width: 106
Depth: 25
Height: 33
Weight: 175 x 2 = 350 gramsVoltage: 11.1v
Discharge: 25CShell Depron / Polycarbonate
Width: ?
Depth: ?
Height: ?
Weight: Estimated 20 - 30 grams
Total Weight: 687.8 gramsTotal Thrust: 1840 grams
Thrust-To-Weight Ratio: 2.675 (Assuming Single Standard Prop)
Hover Throttle: 36% (Assuming Single Standard Prop)
According to Ken.do
Weight of frame, dot, pi, cam assumed to be 250g or less.
All-up-weight of about 630g (includes everything)
Motors - DYS 1806-2300kv
Battery - 3s 2200mah
Escs - 20A
Frame - 250mm
With this setup, flight time is about 10 min. This is fine depending on usage desired. Performance will be acro worthy.
I think that about covers it. All I have to do now then, is increase the efficiency of the turbines and try to make them quieter. A slower-running motor and more lifting surface, and the ducting will help with this.