This project was done just for fun in two days. Ijust finsihed building my 3dr delta and calibrating it. After making a few prints i thought of doing some light painting by mounting a led on the head of the printer. The LED is connected to the servo pin 1 of the Ramps .
Marlin has a nice gcode extension ( M42 )where a pin on the arduino can be toggled on and off . I used this to toggle the Arduino pin D11 on and an off..
Next was the problem of creating custom g-code to do that.. I used grasshopper3d to make a custom script to create a simple G-code which creates lines every 3mm in the model.. The model doesn't even need to be water tight.
Also for simplicity i keep the feed rate constant at 3500 ( which is okay for the 3dr ) .. I even tried a dashed pattern but it is only visible in the fox model.
Gotta love the way the final image hangs in the air! I'm going to have to retire my Reprap Mendel one day and build a Delta - and this will be one of the first things I do with it! How long was the exposure for the lion?
you could do it on your mendel also ... the camera was on bulb mode with the shutter open till the print was done....i have loaded sample gcodes on the github ... any printer with a print height of 150mm can do it....
I do have a DSLR that can do bulb mode, but with the mendel, the print head moves in X and the Bed moves in Y. I wouldn't have anywhere to mount the LED. (Unless I'm missing something)
updated with a rgb led