

combines the simplicity of Arduino with the scalability of ZigBee. Aurbee is, essentially, a wirelessly distributed Arduino platform.

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AurBee is a game-changer in the open-source do-it-yourself micro-controller world because of its versatility and its low energy consumption. It combines the simplicity of Arduino with the scalability of ZigBee. Aurbee is, essentially, a wirelessly distributed Arduino platform. AURBEE serves one single purpose, it lets us control multiple Arduino compatible microcontrollers.

Thumbsized, 25mm by 25mm, capable of running for months on a single coin-cell battery, it allows users to create a self-healing wireless network of micro-controller modules and sensors over a large distributed space without dealing with writing complicated Xbee BLE WiFi related code. Aurbee allows the users to focus on their designs and takes away the complexity of writing ZigBee related code. We at Aurbee have taken care of all the ZigBee related heavy lifting so users can control pins on other Aurbees with a simple one-line code.

Technical Specifications:

Processor : MK20DX256VLH7
-Clock speed : 72 MHz
-Overclockable to 96 Mhz

Power requirements:
-2.8 to 5.7 Volts
-26 mA (at full power)
-10 uA (sleep mode)
-Can be USB powered using USB programming shield

Flash Memory : 256 Kb (192 Kb available after Aurbee stack)
-192 Mb/sec Bandwidth
-256 bytes Cache

Ram: 64 Kb (52 Kb available after Aurbee stack)


Direct Memory Access : 16 channels

Digital I/O: 34 pins
-Output: 3.3 Volts
-Input : 5 Volt Tolerance

Analog Input : 21 pins
-2 converters with 16-bit resolution (13-bit usable)
-2 Progressive Gain Amp
-12 touch sensing pins
-3 Comparators

Analog Output : 1 pin
-12 bit DAC resolution

Timers: 12 total
-3 FTM with 12 PWM output pins
-1 PDB
-1 CMT (infrared)
-4 PIT (interval)
-1 Systick
-RTC (date/time) requires a 32.768 kHz crystal & 3Vbattery.

Communication: 1 USB
-3 Serial ports with 2 FIFOs,3 High Res Baud,2 Fast clocks
-1 SPI with 1 FIFO
-2 I2Cs
-1 CAN Bus
-I2S Audio 8 FIFO

  • Aurbee 3D render is up and pricing update.

    liz06/18/2014 at 19:55 0 comments

    Hello everyone!

    We are in the midst of ordering our boards.

    Keep in mind that we are going to be pricing Aurbee based on the volume of orders. So the pricing on Kickstarter, is for Kickstarter only. So now would be the time to take advantage of them! 

    60$ CAD = 2 Aurbee devices 1 USB programing shield 2 Expansion boards (to fit UNO Shields) 

    115$ CAD = 3 Aurbee devices 1 USB programing interface 2 expansion boards 1 BLE connector shield (Used as a bridge between Aurbee network and BLE for iphone/android connection)

     170$ CAD = 3 Aurbee devices 1 USB programing interface 2 expansion boards 1 BLE connector shield (Used as a bridge between Aurbee network and BLE for iphone/android connection) 1 Over the air programing shield

    LIMITED TIME OFFER (9 left): 200$ CAD = 4 Aurbee devices, 4 expansion boards, 2 BLE connector shields (Used as a bridge between Aurbee network and BLE for iphone/android connection) and 1 over the air programming shield!

    Here is the link to Kickstarter :

    Especially since we updated with our Limited time offer. ( only half left )

    We are in the process of making renders of our add-on shields as well so stay tuned!

    Much love

  • FAQS

    liz06/16/2014 at 15:19 1 comment

    Another update to our FAQs, special thanks to Helder for the questions :)

    Question : if i and my neighbor have a couple of aurbee (which would be great) how can we distinguish and control them?

    Answer Out of the box, when you get an Aurbee, you need to connect it to the USB shield, connect it to a computer, give a name and join it to your existing network (you also have the option to create a new network). 2 Aurbees belonging to different networks, won’t discover/communicate to each other even if they are in physical proximity. By default, all data transmission is done in clear, so anyone can listen in and manipulate data using a custom Zigbee Radio. In fact we will publish/Document the Aurbee protocol and make it really easy for anyone to make their custom devices that can join the Aurbee Network and have full access to all Aurbee functions. For security conscious applications, the Aurbee network has the capacity to transmit all data using AES encryption (pre shared key). It can be configured to use 128, 192 or 256 bit AES. If an Aurbee network is configured to used encryption than all Aurbees in that network must use encryption and the AES key is stored on all of them .

    what do you mean of 20 or 40 hours of project consultancy ?

    Answer :Yes we have in-house PCB assembly plant and can do OEM boards for you. The consultancy hours is our offer to create the groundwork for a “technology partnership”. Say you want to design a “intelligent hotel” solution that uses Aurbee, for door locks, lobby lighting/heating, room ambiance etc. We offer you the consultancy hours to evaluate/proof your system design. If you need some custom “firmware code” we will be happy to work with you. If you need some help designing an OEM board we will be there to support you.

    And big Happy Fathers day to all the Dads out there!



    liz06/12/2014 at 16:29 0 comments

    LIMITED TIME OFFER! The next 20 backers will receive : 4 Aurbee devices, 4 expansion boards, 2 BLE connector shields (Used as a bridge between Aurbee network and BLE for iphone/android connection) and 1 over the air programming shield

    ALL for only 200$ CAD!

  • Updates!

    liz06/12/2014 at 15:16 0 comments Well, we are almost halfway through our kickstarter!

    We have been working tirelessly on providing you with more updates.
    Here is what we have been up to : The RF boards have been shipped to us, the parts and stencil are ready at our warehouse in Brossard at Ultratronics so we can deliver our first 5 boards.

    We are in the process of finishing a 3D rendering of Aurbee and will update you in the next few days when it is up.

    I have been personally working day in day out on getting some media attention, if you have any suggestions on who to contact feel free to help me out!

    Thank you for your support!

  • Project status as of today

    liz06/11/2014 at 20:06 0 comments

    1. We have a working prototype:

    a) With the Microcontroller circuit, Zigbee Radio, USB programing board Mounted on separate PCBs, connected with hookup wire.

    b) a “beta” self-routing Zigbee stack.

    c) Basic Arduino I/O functions ported.

    d) Stable Low-level Aurbee (Raw data transfer) library.

    e) Integration with Arduino IDE for windows (as extension pack for the stock IDE).

    2. We have the Board layout (Gerber Files) for Aurbee Core (25mm X25mm), USB Programing Shield, UNO Adapter and OTA (Over the air) programing shield.

    3. We are in the process of scrutinizing the layout for defects and electrical characteristics before we do the (rather expensive) PCB printing run.

    4. We have signed a definitive contract with the Zigbee chip manufacturers to use their brand new chip.

    5. We are deciding which other expansion boards to build (Nano, pro). Your input is highly appreciated!

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