
M5Stack - An Open Source Enclosed Modular Toolkit

M5Stack is a robust, open source development kit with stackable modules, user-friendly IDE, enabling rapid and high-quality prototyping

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We love to play with dev boards, but the road from an idea to a working prototype, then to a actual product is a long long journey. So we started to think that if there is any universal solutions to simplify the process. Therefore, the initial idea has come out.

We thought that if there is an open standard that could help your project with fast development speed and industrial level quality to fit with different use case.

After a few more deeply research and testing, the M5 stack comes out. It is an stackable system which contains a core module and several other modules. The core module works as the controller, Its an arduino based system, but we've added an HMI(human machine interface) on top of it, which will let you easily customize your UI(user interface) for your project, by simply invoke some APIs within the M5 library. Also covering by the custom design shell would be more stable and safe.

Main features about M5:
1.All shelled.
3.Open source.

M5 Core

As the graph shows, the M5 core module contains a dual MCU system, M32u4 and M328P linked by SPI, M32u4 is the main MCU where the code goes in and I/O ports connected to. M328P dedicate to handle UI bits like the LCD screen, control buttons, Rotation encoder and Beeper. With the M5 library, you could easily layout your own interface within Arduino IDE.

Now we already have dozen of modules, and applications, user can also use laser cutting, 3D printing or CNC to make their own application.


M5Core schematic

Adobe Portable Document Format - 118.29 kB - 09/13/2016 at 03:30


  • Customize your smart life

    JimmyLai02/10/2017 at 09:42 0 comments

    We use the M5 Matrix module to make a GPS tracker for the bike. And this prototype can work with other device in the house, whenever I come home, the door can open automatically.

    This is one of our scenario for the smart life. All the devices around us can be updated to work together wirelessly. And we can customize our devices which will be different from all you can buy in the market, but they will be more convenient and effective.

  • M5Stack - What if the Arduino with a case

    JimmyLai02/09/2017 at 09:12 0 comments

    What if the Arduino with a case? We get fun from a easy and smart world.

  • Introducing Auto drill machine

    JimmyLai09/20/2016 at 04:07 1 comment

    This is the industrial machine prototype which aims to help people drilling remotely. Drilling could dangerous, under several situations like gas, High voltage cables, will course huge damage.

    The whole machine was M5 embedded and design under M5's open standard.

  • Very little progress

    JimmyLai09/14/2016 at 05:16 0 comments

    Adding conductive structure

    The most important value for M5 is its stackable that it could link up multiple functional modules to fulfill your requirement, in a simple and elegant way. But M5 is yet not perfect. a pain point is in the stacking process, we use standard 2.54mm pin as the connector. You may ask that why not use some sort of touch spot? The reason is that it is hard to find those conponents with low cost and high quality(sustainable).

    The conductive structure, set by bolt around the corners, has been tested,eventually fixed the problem and brings awesome user experience. XD

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fabian wrote 07/19/2018 at 14:12 point

In future will be linux version? (orange pi, nanopi or ?

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Craig Hissett wrote 05/14/2017 at 07:57 point

Hey, is this project still going?

I backed the kickstarter but it got pulled.

I'd really like one of there.

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SarahC wrote 09/22/2017 at 06:22 point

Yup - now with an ESP32.......... much better!

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Craig Hissett wrote 09/22/2017 at 06:25 point

Amazing, glad it is still going strong. I still want one :)

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