
Power Control Board Back from Fab

A project log for LED Microscope Illuminator

An LED illuminator for an assembly microscope.

bharbourBharbour 04/24/2018 at 02:470 Comments

The Power Control Board came back from OSHPark today. It looks good, so I built one up to test it.

The current control is pretty reasonable, and appears to be stable as the LEDs warm up. I need to add a connector to the input power feed for a switch, and I should add a TVS diode on the input power feed just to protect stuff against plugging the wall wart into the board while the wall wart is powered up. The inductance of the cable can create a fair size spike.

I need to put some more time into checking the board out, as this is the first time that I have used this chip. There are some oddities on the output current waveform that i want to understand before I declare victory on this one.


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