

A project log for Delta 3D Printer

A custom scratch built delta printer of my own design.

jasonJason 01/31/2017 at 10:080 Comments

After redesigning the frame to be made entirely of 1/4” aluminium, I sent the CAD files through to my friend. Not long after that I received a very heavy delivery from him. All up it probably weighed about 12kg.

This thing is huge!

This thing is huge!

I had to somehow drill holes into the edge of the top and bottom plates. I decided that three M3 bolts per joint would be sufficient. My friend was able to mark pilot holes in the side plates so drilling them was straight forward. I placed them together in a bench vice and used the side frame to mark holes in the top/base. The holes were then very carefully drilled using a drill press. I still managed to snap off two drill bits in the new holes. Luckily they were both on the same edge so I was able to designate this as the “back” tower.

Drilling holes in Dad's workshop

Drilling holes in Dad's workshop

Careful tapping of the M3 threads

Careful tapping of the M3 threads

I may have snapped off drill bits in some holes and had to re-drill just next to them

I may have snapped off drill bits in some holes and had to re-drill just next to them.

A very straight, strong and stiff frame.

As expected, when the grooves were slotted together, the frame pulled true. I was very happy with the rigidity and strength. It easily supported my full weight sitting on top and didn’t flex at all.
