The MK01 features a 3D printed dovetail jointed snap together case, low res 4.3" tft composite backup monitor, 2cell 7.4 volt LiPo battery, 5 volt stepping voltage regulator from China that powers the whole thing, a random USB hub circuit removed from its case and stripped of its ports, small nano USB wifi dongle stripped and heat shrunk, floppy drive ribbon cable connecting everything, hot glue in strategic places, and of course a RaspberryPi Zero!
- Provided you have a 3D printer and like to solder this can be built for about $50 US
I'd be really keen to see how you went about integrating the hinge mech!
I've been looking at doing something similar, and I think starting with a proven hinge from another product (say a dell or example) is the proper way to start.