I have made board with tiny OLED display, based on SSD1306. SSD1306 has embedded voltage up-converter and just putting capacitor is enough and it is quite handy. But, I guess, all color OLED chip, like SSD1331, 1332, ... does not have up-converter and we have to prepare high voltage (12V) for driving.
In the schematic, right-top part is a switching up-converter from 3.3 V to 12 V. Actually for USB bus drive operation, voltage is converted from 5.0 V to 3.3 V to 12 V because not always 5.0 V is available.
So, as a power supply, ULTRA color work with
(case a) 5.0 V drive, applying between 5V and GND terminal on board
(case b) USB bus drive. 5V is provided from USB
(case c) 3.3 V drive, applying between VC and GN terminals on board
In any case, system voltage is 3.3 V (ATmega1284P runs at 3.3 V/16 MHz)
For programming purpose,
CS of OLED: D8 RES of OLED: D9 D/C of OLED: D10 CS of micro SD: D4
those are enough for program. The OLED display can work with SSD_13XX library written by SUMOTOY
For example,#include <SPI.h>
#include <SSD_13XX.h>
#define __CS1 8
#define __DC 10
#define __RST 9
SSD_13XX tft1 = SSD_13XX(__CS1, __DC,__RST);
are the description for OLED driving.
Actual operation can be found in the following movie. As same, I have a plan to sell this board at tindie.com stay tune if you have some interest!