Transfer data (WiFi credentials) from your smartphone to an ESP8266 by Pulsing your Smartphone Screen
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esp8266_screenSetWifi-master.zipx-zip-compressed - 3.22 kB - 04/23/2018 at 14:24 |
screenSetWifi.zipx-zip-compressed - 3.43 kB - 04/23/2018 at 14:24 |
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I am implementing exactly the same idea. But you did faster than me. :-)
Very cool! I tried this same thing last year and hadn't succeeded. I started with an LDR setup like yours and had terrible results. Moving to a phototransistor helped but I still never quite managed it. Time to revisit I guess.
electric imp has a similar technology called blinkup https://electricimp.com/platform/blinkup/
Interesting project! How much time does it took to get the information?
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Is it work like a scanner?can take a video,how it work?