

Fully stand-alone HF (Shortwave) Software Defined Transceiver & Vector Network Analyzer. Designed for rugged portable use. Highly hackable.

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The PSDR is a completely stand-alone (no computer needed), compact, Portable Software Defined Transceiver (hence the name, sorta). Originally designed for backpacking use by Ham Radio operators. It includes complete coverage up to about 30Mhz (plus 144Mhz), it has a 168Mhz ARM processor, color display, and an innovative interface.

Vector Network Analysis (which includes antenna analysis) and GPS functions are included.

The entire design is Open Source. The electronics are designed and laid out to be easy to understand and tinker with. In addition to source code, schematics, board layout and parts lists, articles and videos describing the theory of the design are being created.

Want a PortableSDR? Please take THIS SURVEY so I can make it happen!

Finals Video:

For previous project views, please see links to the left.

System Design Document / Block Diagram:

Click here for a PDF.

Source code and Design Files: All files (including the above diagram) are available on GitHub at

License Information: The project code is still very much in development. It currently uses the Adafruit GFX and ILI9340 libraries (both being adapted for this application) and is likely to use other libraries in the future. I will comply with any licenses for libraries I include, and plan to license the project itself under a permissive license (like MIT) or a copyleft license like GPL. I would very much appreciate suggests on this.

About the PSDR1: There were a lot of subcircuits that I had never tested for this project (and were hard to breadboard at the frequencies and sizes involved) so I built the PSDR1 board you see here to demonstrate all those parts. I left off the easy stuff (like a battery charger, the whole GPS sub system) and a few of the more advanced parts (like the RF switching, and phase and amplitude measurement IC) Also, while the LCD module was expedient, the next version will have it integrated directly.

  • 1 × STM32F429 Microcontroller U21 - Digikey part number: 497-14052-ND
  • 1 × AD8302 Magnitude/Phase Detector U23 - Digikey part number: AD8302ARUZ-ND
  • 2 × AD9834 DDS Frequency Synthesizers U1, 8 - Digikey part number: AD9834CRUZ-ND
  • 1 × QVGA LCD ILI9340/ILI9341 LCD - Search ebay for "2.2 (ILI9340, ILI9341)"
  • 1 × GP39-1513 GPS Reciever U4 -,gp39-1513

View all 16 components

  • Big in Germany

    Michael R Colton01/17/2015 at 19:15 0 comments

    So I get home yesterday to find an unexpected package. Inside is a Ham Radio magazine (The December 2014 issue of Funk Amateur, I like the name!) with a note.... all in German. Sweet! I flip through it and to my shock, I find the PSDR! WHAAAAT!? What a cool thing! (I'd scan the whole thing, but that might be verboten, copyright stuff, you know.) I googled to see if the article was online, didn't find it, but did find a mention of the PortableSDR here.

    The Kickstarter campaign is off to a great start! Last I looked it was almost to $12,000 (20% of the goal) at this rate it will be successful! Thank you so much everyone for your support!

    I am getting a lot of messages, and I am trying to get caught up on posts and things, I hope to get caught up soon.

  • KickStarter! Finally!

    Michael R Colton01/14/2015 at 06:01 2 comments

    PortableSDR on Kickstarter

    Now you guys can finally get it! Sorry it took so long! Thanks for your patience and support eveyone!

    For all of you who are itching to have one (bless your hearts) click here!

    The internal speaker works now, btw (not great, but it's a start). Also, I have some ideas for a pretty cool 4 band antenna that doesn't need a tuner.

  • Quick Update

    Michael R Colton12/12/2014 at 05:31 5 comments

    Hi fans!

    I just wanted to make a quick post here to let you know that I am still here. I wanted to have the Kickstarter live by now, but I really need to get some quotes back on PCB manufacturing, or I wont be able to set the prices with any confidence. I am so excited to get these out into the world, but I don't want to go broke doing it, you know?

    I have an initial quote on the metals (though I want to change the design a little bit) and have been meeting with a local PCB assembly house. I've worked with them (as well as many others) for other projects and have found their work to be absolutely amazing. They cost a little more, but I think it will be worth it in boards that will work well for a long time. Also, since they're local, I won't have to pay for shipping, wait for shipping, or, for example, fly to China (I'm dying to go, but not on my own dime, you see).

    I hope to have a quote back from them soon. When I've got everything figured out, you'll be the first to know!

  • 3RD PLACE! (And stuff!)

    Michael R Colton11/24/2014 at 07:14 6 comments

    Hi everyone! I got 3rd place! I'm the 3rd best hacker in the world! Thanks everyone for your support! Congratulations to the other finalists, in particular SatNOGS! I have an unused, wooden garage that would be perfect for housing one of their antennas trackers. I'll need to get on that. Also, I would love a tricorder and spectrometer. I'd like a chipwhisperer too, but I think it's a little over my head.

    So where have I been? (Sorry about that, btw) Well first, after all the stress of the contest, it was nice to kinda do nothing for a while. But mostly I've been trying to figure out how to get the PSDR produced so you can have one!

    I've poured over the survey data; very interesting stuff! There are a few things in there that are encouraging; so many people said they'd buy a PSDR2 AND a future version! There are also a few things that people aren't going to like. Maybe it was the BaoFeng comparison, but a pretty large number of people said it would only be worth say $50-150 to them (some even less!). There's no way that can happen, it's made of expensive parts and.... how can I compete with a big Chinese company!

    Right now I am finding places that can do the manufacturing for me, particularly the metal housings and PCB assembly. When I have some quotes back, I'll be able to determine what I can charge and not go broke (a very real possibility if I'm not careful).

    I hope to have a Kickstarter project up in about a week. Thanks for your patience everyone! I haven't forgotten about you!

    Also another religious thought, skip if you aren't interested.

    Read more »

  • Schrödinger's Finalist

    Michael R Colton11/11/2014 at 06:10 2 comments

    Today, in the interview post about the RamanPi, Brian says, "If you're wondering who the winner of The Hackaday Prize is, even I don't know. [Mike] and a few Hackaday overlords do," Thinking of it now, of course the results would be known before the announcement, but it hadn't really occurred to me until I read that. For some reason it seemed weird to me. Whether I have won first place or not is known, but not to me. So in a weird way, I am in the superposition of both having taken first, and not. That is, until Thursday morning (for me 5 am :/ ) when the wave function will collapse. I think it would be fun to be in their position, to know that you were about to change someone's life, and you knew it, but they didn't. Good luck to my fellow finalists! No matter the outcome, I'm happy to have made it so far.

    Pictured above is Girl Kitty, she's been our cat since I was a teenager (which makes her about 18 years old) but, unlike Schrödinger's cat, Girl Kitty is, thankfully, alive.

    In other news, the response to the survey has been MIND BLOWING! The PSDR has about 650 followers, not everyone is going to respond, I guess I expected about 100 responses. Right now I have 1,106! (Which is, by the way, probably enough) THANKS EVERYBODY! It's been amazing to see such an overwhelmingly positive response! I'm still going through the data and want to devote a proper post to it. Give me a few days. I'm really learning a lot by going through all of this.

  • Trying To Transmit

    Michael R Colton11/06/2014 at 15:27 0 comments

    I shot this before the Final Overview Video, but didn't get around to posting it. Basically, it shows that my first attempt at an amplifier board for the PSDR2 was unsuccessful, also, I need filtering. I think that what I showed in the video might not have been that meaningful because I had already damaged the amp at that point. Nevertheless, it seems that filtering before the amplifier is going to be required. I have a circuit I want to try that would be a digitally variable low-pass filter. I think it will work, just not sure if will work at RF frequencies.

    I was also lucky to bump into a pretty seasoned RF engineer and picked his brain about designing this amplifier (I only picked the surface though, since I could only take about 5 minutes of his time) basically, it sounds like MMICs will probably only get me to 1 W. Which is not terrible. Beyond that, I'll probably have to design a discrete circuit. BUT he also suggested a trick I'd read about, where you use a power splitter, then, say, 5 MMIC amps, then a combiner, and there you go. I'm interested in trying that. That would also make it easy to step down power, and even provide some redundancy...

    THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE FOR DOING THE SURVEYS! I've received over 600 responses! (500 today alone, thanks to being featured on the front page. Thanks Brian!) Next time I'll give a breakdown of the responses and what it will mean for the PSDR moving forward.

  • Want a PSDR? Take this Survey!

    Michael R Colton11/02/2014 at 04:41 0 comments

    I'm trying to work out the details of making the PortableSDR available, but there are some things I need to figure out. Please please take a moment to fill out this survey so I can plan things out appropriately. It should only take a minute. Thank you so much!

  • Glamour Photos

    Michael R Colton10/28/2014 at 06:00 3 comments

    Here are some very lovely (if I do say so myself) pictures of the PortableSDR.

    There are a bunch more. Check 'em out!

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  • Plastic's Fantastic, But Metal is Better

    Michael R Colton10/20/2014 at 04:51 5 comments

    Hi everyone!

    I spent the last few days modifying the design of the case to simplify it (7 screws instead of 21, for example) and to make it millable. I had some great help from my friend Jacob, thanks Jacob! He also suggested a countersunk front cover and I think it's going to look awesome! I spent pretty much all of Saturday at work, generating toolpaths and "borrowing" the milling machine. I made a few mistakes, learned a bunch of stuff. It was pretty fun! I'm getting better! I'm probably going to sandblast it when it's done (you can see I need to hand finish a little bit, particular around the paddle area.) so it will have a soft, frosted look. At least for now. I might paint it after that. We'll see.

    I also want to share some small miracles. Those of you who are offended and/or not interested in religious things can skip the rest.

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  • We need more RFs!

    Michael R Colton10/17/2014 at 06:49 1 comment

    Hi everyone!

    Let me first say how blown away, honored, and delighted I am to be included in the final round of judging! The enthusiastic responses I've gotten from everyone have helped keep me motivated through the long hours of design and programming (honestly, this would have been a year long project or more otherwise). Thanks to everyone for your support! I've loved reading everyone's comments here on my project blog, on the final-five announcement page, youtube, and reddit.

    Now then! Where were we. It seems like many people have been anxious to see transmit support working. I realized that some of the other features I'm excited about, like the Vector Network Analyzer, require the PSDR to generate signals, and of course, I want to see if I can talk to people with it! So, as you saw in the last video, I got transmit support started, but I was a little disappointed that the power output was so low (I mean, I knew it would be low but...)

    So, I decided to try my hand at putting together an amplifier to go in the PSDR2's amp board socket (those five holes in the upper left), and this is the result. PCBs should get here next week, hopefully in time for the final judging. If it works the way I think it will, it should get us somewhere close to 100-200mW. Still not a lot, but enough to get a signal out, and maybe drive another amplification stage in the future.

    It was fun to design. I'm trying some weird stuff here, for example, the two MMIC amplifiers are biased like a diode or transistor (well, that's what they are), where current is more important than voltage. Also, they like to be driven around 5-6v. So I needed a boost converter, ideally with a constant current output. Well. they make LED drivers that do exactly that. So that's what will be powering this little amp.

    I'm actually not totally confident it will work on the first try, but it will be a learning experience either way.

View all 28 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Obtain or produce the sub assemblies pictures above (See github for detailed assembly instructions, gerbers, and STLs): Polycarbonate front cover. Encoder PCB, Top housing, LCD, Knob, Main PCB, Paddles, Battery, Bottom Housing, screws and washers.

  • 2
    Step 2

    Connect battery to Main PCB, and set both into Bottom houssing

  • 3
    Step 3

    Connect LCD module to main PCB

View all 8 instructions

Enjoy this project?



Michael R Colton wrote 07/14/2014 at 17:04 point
In the comments to my most recent update, Mr. Pwn4tr0n mentioned building his own PSDR. I'm probably going to start working on the next version of the board soon, and I have several of the current PCBs I'm not likely to ever use. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll send you one for free (unless shipping is more than $4-5USD, in which case, a contribution might be nice). That would be for a bare PCB. If you want one assembled, that would probably be more like $200 for the parts and assembly time (I'm not yet setup for mass production.) I would love for other people to start testing it and developing code for it.

I have 7 PCBs (I thought I had more?) First 7 replies to this comment win!

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nricciar wrote 07/14/2014 at 18:10 point
If you still have boards availiable I would like to build one.

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Michael R Colton wrote 07/14/2014 at 18:34 point
You're the first to reply, so yes, I do. When enough people have responded, I'll get everyone's addresses and send them out. Thanks for your interest :D

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Angus wrote 07/14/2014 at 18:55 point
I'd love to take a PCB, but I think I'll hold off until the project is more complete. Would you consider offering them as a kit, or partially assembled in the future?

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Michael R Colton wrote 07/14/2014 at 20:21 point
Yes, I may do that. I think I will sell fully assembled units too.

I'd be interested to know how many people would be comfortable soldering a board like this, probably a fair number on hackaday, but most Ham kits are far less complicated.

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Nicholas TenBrink wrote 07/14/2014 at 20:54 point
Michael, if there are still boards available I would love the chance to build one up.
Let me know how to get mailing info and such to you.

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Will Rea wrote 07/14/2014 at 21:16 point
I'm in for one if they're still available

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Chris Northcott wrote 07/14/2014 at 22:14 point
I've been following your project for a little while and am in the process of building something similar. You might have replied to me on Reddit once ;)

I'd love a board, I'm even willing to pay shipping to the UK!

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John Laur wrote 07/14/2014 at 22:26 point
Michael, I would be very interested in populating and experimenting with a board if you still have one available. The STM32F is a good choice, but I fear that it is memory limited for DSP applications even though the processor has floating point and is relatively powerful. Still I think there are some interesting applications for such a platform!

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Michael R Colton wrote 07/14/2014 at 22:40 point
Looks like we've got two left (Angus, you're holding off for now, no?) they are going more quickly than I had expected!

Hi Chris, small world! I hope your project is going well. Any news?

John, so far, I haven't run into any memory issues (and I am not yet making any efforts to be careful with my memory usage) I think the next rev will use an even bigger version of the F4 (mostly so I can get a high performance LCD controller) but it will also increase the RAM and Flash that I have available. I'd be interested to know what other ideas you have for the platform. In addition to it working as a very flexible transceiver, I want to build in VNA and spectrum analyzer functions (though they'll be fairly limited in frequency) I also thought about a sort of mixing oscilloscope... media player, ebook reader, video game system, feature creep detector, stuff like that.

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Paul Warren wrote 07/14/2014 at 23:24 point
I'd love to help test by populating a board! I'll go and research the BoM now :)

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Michael R Colton wrote 07/14/2014 at 23:35 point
I'll have to make a few notes as to what is different on the PCB. There were two corrections made and a few places that jumpers need to be placed. The board was designed so that the different sub circuits could be disconnected from each other for testing, you see.

Also, speaking of the BOM, I formatted it so the DigiKey BOM importer function works, so you can use that to save yourself tons of time when ordering. There is a balun that you can't get from DigiKey, MiniCircuits sells them, but you have to buy 10 at $3+ a piece, plus shipping, so I think I'll just toss one in for you guys. The LCD was from ebay, but is easy and cheap to get.

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Chris Northcott wrote 07/15/2014 at 12:27 point
@Michael - I'm caffeinep0wered who you replied to on /r/stm32f4, although you have probably figured that out by now. :)

I'm still trying to figure out my way around the STM32F4, struggling a bit with DMA but learning slowly but surely. I've settled on a 100Mbit Ethernet PHY via full MII (TI/National PHYter), ADC (AD7356), HF/VHF VFOs (AD9850/MAX2606), VHF tuner (R820T) and output amp (IRF510). I can get a carrier across the house (woohoo!) but it's still early days. I ordered the same screen you have but it was DOA, yay for eBay...

I suggest keeping yours SDR, heh... an idea of mine was to load "modules" off a MicroSD card so different configurations can be tested easily.

The VNA is a brilliant idea, I'd buy one for that feature alone. ;)

I shall have a look through the BOM now - I think I probably have most of the parts on hand...

@John Laur : The STM32F4x7/9 (IIRC) has a flexible memory controller interface for adding SDRAM, so as long as enough free IOs are available, it's easy to expand the memory if needs be. Generally it's only feasible on the LQFP144/178 and higher pin count BGA parts. I'm going to assume this project processes samples on the fly though. These things are surprisingly capable.

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John Laur wrote 07/15/2014 at 17:22 point
Michael, Well David Rowe is building the FreeDV SmartMic using the same family of micro, so there is more or less ready to go codec2 and an fdmdv 1600bps modem. But his project is the one where there were memory issues, and he is using the STM32F4 variant with more memory than the F1 you are using (I think the variant he uses has 192KB). For simple mod/demod there may not be an issue, but there definitely will be issues in implementing more complex modems via DSP. I would like to see an SDR that implements digital modems as standard native demodulations instead of going through the SSB or FM intermediary which will require some memory.

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Michael R Colton wrote 07/15/2014 at 17:55 point
Yes! I had in mind to include some of the HF digital modes (especially the ones that can transience way below the noise floor with tiny power levels, ideal for portable, power constrained operation), but I had forgotten about these new voice codecs. Ideally, this little guy will be able to support stuff like that, it would be cool to have things like PSK31, Morse decoding, maybe even SSTV.

Imagine being out on a hike, grabbing SSTV weather data, and being able to get messages out reliably on digital on tiny power levels. Know where you are and be able to communicate, no mater what.

Speaking of which, I know there are digital spotting programs (that listen in and report that they heard you on the internet) I think it would be interesting to extend those to pass messages. So I could send something like "I'm here, and safe" and whatever radio hears it, passes it through the internet to the right person.

Like I said, I think I am going to be moving up to a larger F4 (it's only a few extra bucks to get 256k/2M ) and I guess I could look into external RAM, probably not on the next rev though.

Thanks for the input!

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Adam Fabio wrote 06/26/2014 at 05:52 point
I am loving all the RF an SDR hacks that have started popping up on here! Thanks for entering PortableSDR in The Hackaday Prize, Michael! Don't worry about folder organization to start - the hardest part is clicking "Submit" that first time. That LCD waterfall display looks like it will really come in handy out in the field.
Have you tested out the transmitter circuits yet? I saw they were unpopulated in your images.

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Michael R Colton wrote 06/26/2014 at 18:33 point
Thanks Adam! This is a project I've been wanting to do for a long time and the HaD prize helped push me a long. The waterfall is really cool and already working well. I leave the PSDR running on my desk when I am not using it, and it's cool to glance at it to see if there is any activity. I haven't tested the transmitter yet, I had ordered the wrong size part for the two ICs in the transmit section. I've been busy with the receive stuff so I haven't been in a hurry to order the correct parts.

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Michael R Colton wrote 06/20/2014 at 22:04 point
I might be mistaken, but some of the stuff that's going on in slow HF digital modes is state of the art stuff, probably newer than APRS. But it feels weird to say that a mode that sends 16 characters per minute (or less!) on a shortwave radio is "cutting edge".

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j0z0r pwn4tr0n wrote 06/20/2014 at 20:20 point
Very nice, I'm gonna have to do some reading on these older digital modes. Is there a link to the Github repository you mention in the project? I'm sure it's around, I just can't find it

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Michael R Colton wrote 06/20/2014 at 14:38 point
Yes, it should be capable of APRS, the software will just need to be written. There is this project, which is APRS for the STM32 ( ) that might be able to be integrated.

There are some other digital modes (like JT65) that send very slowly, but can transmit effectively at very low power (thousands of miles on less than a watt doesn't seem that unrealistic) that I want to support. That's one of the reasons for including GPS, as accurate timing is important for some of these modes. I'm really excited about the idea of this radio working as an emergency beacon if needed.

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j0z0r pwn4tr0n wrote 06/20/2014 at 07:41 point
APRS functionality? Even sending texts at 12000 baud while backpacking would be great.

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