hot-glue your mold into an (laser-cut) acrylic box.
Spray mold release onto parts, do two+ applications, 5 minutes apart, wait 30 minutes to fully dry, you can brush on the release as well.
Prepare Space; place wax paper on floor and surfaces.
Pre-Stir/Mix (by hand then use drill turbine) Epoxacast "A" Resin for several minutes each; Mix "A" (100 units) to "B" Hardener (8 units). Pour molds (using funnels). Measure by WEIGHT not by volume.
Let it set for 24 hours; heat cure in toaster oven two hours at 175F; then three hours at 300F
Step 3
3D Printing Observations
Objet resin prints did not set correctly, possbily not enough mold release, or possibly due to objet verowhite plus reacting with epoxacast materials. I would recommend adding the extra step of a silicone mold.
3D Printed ABS filament was vapor polished- by heating hardware store Acetone (some nail polish removers have additives that don't work well) inside an asparagus steamer on a electric hot plate (and also outside in a well ventalited area). You can cold polish with a rubber maid box with your parts elevated on a metal hot pad/ cooling sheet.
Create an index/keying feature in the original 3D printed part, this will help line up the A/B parts accurately, also the finished molds were faced using a vertical hand mill.