

The new device to practice sport, an inclusive one!

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The aim of weithys is to make the sport practice accessible to disabled people. We hope this project will lead to innovative solutions to disabilities developed by patients or relative.

Most of sport equipments in the gyms are suitable for any disability.
In fact There are sport devicies aiming to help them to practice sport but some of them don't adapt to every disabled case (for example weights bracelet that sometimes do not adjust to weak wrists).

We want to give to disabled people to practice sport with the best equipment .

This is a project made by Léa Dimarca—Dias and Sarah Kugbe (we didn’t find how to add a collaborator) 

We wanted to create a new way of doing sport to make it more inclusive. Weithyse is a way of enabling anyone, even those with a disability, to take part in sport. 

We focused on strengthening arm muscles, particularly for wheelchair users and people with muscle degeneration. 

- Weithyse can be installed in gyms to ensure that all equipment is accessible to all.

-Weithyse can be supplied to schools, so that children with disabilities can also enjoy sports.

-It can also be used in rehabilitation centers to help people strengthen their muscles more easily. 

These are the main objectives of our project, even if we know it could offer much more. In the future, it could also be developed for other parts of the body. 

  • 1 × fabric
  • 1 × rice
  • 1 × elastic band

  • 5/6th week

    SarahDaniella06/11/2024 at 18:58 0 comments

    We added a gold fabric over the top to make the prototype a little more designer and added two elastic bands to close the prototype. 

  • 5/6th week

    SarahDaniella06/11/2024 at 18:58 0 comments

    We added a gold fabric over the top to make the prototype a little more designer and added two elastic bands to close the prototype. 

  • 5/6th week

    SarahDaniella06/11/2024 at 18:58 0 comments

    We added a gold fabric over the top to make the prototype a little more designer and added two elastic bands to close the prototype. 

  • 3/4 week :

    SarahDaniella06/11/2024 at 18:54 0 comments

    We sewed the fabrics and created weights from plastic and rice, which we then integrated into the prototype.

  • 2nd week:

    SarahDaniella06/11/2024 at 18:52 0 comments

    We've started building the patterns and cutting them out.

  • 1st week:

    SarahDaniella06/11/2024 at 12:12 0 comments

    we sat together to think about a project and my partner came out withe an idea. We made a protoype to see if it can work ans we made our first sketches.

View all 6 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Take hands measurments.

  • 2
    Step 2

    With the measurments draw this paterns on paper sheets.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Report that patern on your piece of fabric  by adding 2 or 3 cm to prevent any mistakes.

    make two identical pieces with the patern and cut one in half to make the openning.

    You should got something that look like that.

View all 10 instructions

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