Wristband App
10/03/2016 at 01:41 • 0 commentsOur project also includes an app for Android/iOS. It was build on Android Studio and Visual Studio (using Xamarin). We used java and C#.
The Wristband app is responsible for taking data from our server (actually, server sends data to app), and, alert family by sending a push notification, I will talk about it.
App sends an alert in case of:
1. Huge variation on heartbeats.
2. When temperature is too high for human's wrist.
3. If wristband's user falls.
4. Batery is dead.
Wristband design
10/03/2016 at 01:26 • 0 commentsI think this was the most crucial point of our project: design. We have had lot of ideas to build our prototype, but we weren't counting with the best equipments in the market. So we decided to use silicone.
STEP 1: We used a styrofoam mold to prepare and allocate safely our hardware.
STEP 2: We used equipments to apply the silicone in the styrofoam mold.
STEP 3: We had to wait a few yours to manipulate our prototype again.
STEP 4: We removed the excess material from prototype.
STEP 5: We tested our wristband to certify if it was okay.
Hardware Infraestructure
10/03/2016 at 01:13 • 0 commentsWe have decided to use an Arduino Nano Atmega328 as our microcontroller. It's responsible to process data of temperature sensor and heartbeat sensor; and, send to our server.
We used the arduino IDE, programming our wristband in C++. We have tested each sensor separately to guarantee the highest and the most reliable response of each one.
We also used a lcd display to show to wristband's user his/her heartbeats and temperature. The display is programmed to inform if there is a connection and if the wristband is sending data to our server too.
Cloud Server Infraestructure
10/02/2016 at 18:45 • 0 commentsWe just decided that we'd use DigitalOceans' servers with CentOS 7 as our cloud providers. For now we're using a single server for our database.
When the wristband detects a change in the values mesured, the data is sent over 3g to the server, as a JSON accumulate of data, and stored in the database. The server can then analyze the past data and detect any deviation. If the user wants to see it's history, he will be able to log in to the mobile app, or website and check graphs with his data history.
We are currently using Apache, MariaBD and PHP.