

100% precise V-Plotter with Pi 3

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Ok, it's not the first...
But since it isn't just another plotter for art, but for patterns in tailoring, it must be very accurate.
So far I have achieved an error tolerance of 0.75% in the length and width, that's about 5 mm.
Of course that is too much. I tinkering at a few ideas that put this value down.
But all the lines are almost parallel and straight (the bottom line which is 80 cm in length, is bent only 1 mm)

I could need some help with the software...
Right now I use the software from Norbert Heinz
But I like to have a graphical interface.
So help is more then welcome...


Ok, just burned the servo.

I've reordered three so I can burn two more...

hopefully not.


received the rest of my stuff for the gondola :-)
today is assembling day...
3d prints, bearings, linear-servo etc.

For precise mathematics one needs, of course, precise points.
That is why I have diverted the tooth belt.
Now the tip of the triangle is exactly on the center of the axis of the stepping motor.
Because of the bearing, the construction always rotates and the calculation point remains constant.
And because I want to have it stylish, I 3d printed it...
One Problem solved :-)


printed with 70% filling

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 40.90 kB - 10/07/2016 at 16:49



printed with 70% filling

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 16.10 kB - 10/07/2016 at 16:49



printed with 70% filling

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 41.10 kB - 10/02/2016 at 11:08



v-plotter first testing

MPEG-4 Video - 40.14 MB - 10/01/2016 at 16:52


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Sven Jungclaus wrote 06/30/2019 at 04:35 point

Hi all, it seems a lot of links of the STL-Files didn't work ...
Sorry for that, I have just solved it :-)

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jan moser wrote 09/19/2018 at 07:10 point

Hallo Sven,

bin seit längerem auf der Suche nach einem gut realisierbarem V-Plotter der von

einem Raspi gesteuert wird. Jetzt hab ich eins, danke.

Jetzt wollte ich die 3D Teile fertigen lassen, jedoch bin ich mir nicht sicher

welcher Version die .stl Dateien entsprechen?

Ich konnte leider nicht die stl Namen mit den Bildern in Verbindung setzen.

In der Galerie befinden sich z.B. vom Pen-Holder zwei Versionen.


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jim wrote 12/23/2017 at 17:32 point

hey thanks

i think its a really nice build...

im looking to use your stls from tinkercad but there seems to be no working link do you have them loaded somewhere else or could you re upload them please ?

the ones with direct download work fine but not the tinkercad ones..

thanks man

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typo wrote 05/02/2017 at 12:46 point


Seeing your vid "V-plotter in action" I noticed severe oscillations on your belts induced by the changes in speed at endpoints of the lines.

Your system (consisting of parts which can resonate, eg. masses and belts) gets an sharp impulse at these points. try to use ramps with different parameters slowing down the acceleration and deceleration of your center mass.

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Gary Johnson wrote 01/12/2017 at 03:09 point

Very nice to see a v plotter with belts instead of bead chain or fishing wire. Do you keep the STLs public anywhere? It looks like the files here are out of date compared to your photos.

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Sven Jungclaus wrote 01/12/2017 at 12:28 point

Just follow the links to tinkercad, all STLs are public and updated...

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oemfoefoe wrote 11/28/2017 at 15:07 point

Could you please (re)share the STLs? The links to tinkercad all seem to be dead...

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Sven Jungclaus wrote 10/17/2016 at 06:59 point

Thank you, that's a great idea...

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RandyKC wrote 10/17/2016 at 06:01 point

Maslow did a project very similar that was recently featured on HAD.

What wasn't mentioned was what he called the "ground control" software. I think it is exactly what you were looking for.

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Sven Jungclaus wrote 10/07/2016 at 19:52 point

right, that's just about drawing the pattern automatically ;)

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Sven Jungclaus wrote 10/07/2016 at 17:33 point

You know that's not about cutting, it's a plotter, that draws the pattern on the wall.
So it is out of your way, and you can make it look good, but you still have to cut by hand...
Or did I misunderstand you somehow?

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RandyKC wrote 10/07/2016 at 19:04 point

I assumed you were drawing the pattern to cut it later. My wife's workflow is to pin the pattern to the fabric then either use scissors or a cutting wheel and mat.  She cuts it out while on the cutting table with the pattern pinned on. It's at that point I leave the room because she starts getting a little frustrated withe the pattern/needle/fabric assembly.

Once the pattern was marked on the fabric it would make it more flexible as to how you cut it out. I'm not the sewer. I'm just the one that got a pin stuck in his foot after a particularly grueling session. So your thought is that this generates the pattern, not mark the fabric directly

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RandyKC wrote 10/07/2016 at 17:26 point

What a great idea! At least it seems great to me. My wife has a "cutting table" that she folds out and it gets in the way of everything.  It looks like this would be great for getting an accurate layout although the stated accuracy isn't something my wife would "tolerate". 

Does hanging the fabric during layout help with the "bias" of the fabric and how it drapes?  Does the marker "drag" the fabric and distort it?

I'll look at the software and see if I can help

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