Log - the fifth
04/26/2018 at 21:56 • 0 commentsDid soldering of all 4 lidars along with I2c Multiplexor.
Updated basic code to switch between all 4 sensors and get reading (simple dump to screen). Found one sensor was not working. COnnecting SDA/SCL the correct way around fixed it!
Log - the fourth
04/26/2018 at 21:55 • 0 commentsOK - have tested compass module on Turrent and incorporated adafruit transforms to get absolute compass bearing,
Log - the third
04/26/2018 at 21:54 • 0 commentsInstalled MQTT dev on turrent - tested comms between brains and turrent
Log the second
04/26/2018 at 21:53 • 0 commentsInstalled MQTT server on Brains - tested locally
Log - the first
04/26/2018 at 21:52 • 0 commentsHave 2 Pi's - one designated brains has a 2gb boot disk - holds Mysql database.
The other designated Turrent has SD as operating system. COnnects via I2c to various giblets and will connect via PWM to servo,