
Is the keg empty? Acoustic beer keg monitor

Using a Raspberry Pi to roughly detect when the fill level of a liquid in a closed steel container (Otherwise known as a beer keg).

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Using a Raspberry Pi to roughly determine the fill level of a beer keg.The level of the keg is determined by sending/recording an acoustic signal, and performing a frequency analysis.

Hand-Wavy Goal:

Determine the level of fluid in a beer keg.


  • Create and record a signal that echoes through the keg.
  • Analyze the signal and determine if a noticeable difference between full and empty kegs exists.
  • Create a software model to process a signal and give the fluid level
  • Assemble Electronics
  • Create/Design a case for the device.
  • Fabricate the case
  • Complete the prototype
  • Collect more data.


  1. The device cannot extend past the top of the keg (i.e the keg can still be stacked.
  2. The device must be "hands off" when deployed. (i.e runs independently without outside input)
  3. The device must provide indication of the level of a keg, internally or externally.

Current Status:

  • Case fabrication ongoing.
  • Completing component design - BRANCHING OUT TO SUBIMPROVMENTS
  • Prototype Electronics outlined / assembled. - See above
  • Need to further explore signal processing. - yes definitely
  • Completing Case Allows real-world data capture - ALMOST THERE


Top of case sans lid.

JPEG Image - 1.18 MB - 11/02/2016 at 02:17



Keg-side/bottom of prototype case

JPEG Image - 1.11 MB - 11/02/2016 at 02:17


  • 1 × Raspberry Pi B+
  • 1 × Witty Pi
  • 1 × Adafruit PowerBoost 1000 Charger
  • 1 × Transducer
  • 1 × Adafruit Stereo 3.7W Class D Audio Amplifier - MAX98306

  • A case? A case. I see there's a case.

    avatardelta11/04/2016 at 12:14 0 comments

    Got a very rough prototype case fabricated.

    Thoughts and notes consist of:

    "How do I turn it on now?"

    "I can't push the button"

    "this lid is too wide"

    "This doesn't quite fit but it'll do for now"

    "now I need to work on the signal processing"

    Project status:

    Prototype electronics assembled

    Rough case fabricated

    Simple program sequence made for collecting audio samples.

    Work needing doing:

    Redefine the electronics for lower power consumption.

    Complete the signal processing model.

    Collecting more audio samples

    Planning data retrieval schema that doesn't involve removal of device.

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