
A case? A case. I see there's a case.

A project log for Is the keg empty? Acoustic beer keg monitor

Using a Raspberry Pi to roughly detect when the fill level of a liquid in a closed steel container (Otherwise known as a beer keg).

avatardeltaavatardelta 11/04/2016 at 12:140 Comments

Got a very rough prototype case fabricated.

Thoughts and notes consist of:

"How do I turn it on now?"

"I can't push the button"

"this lid is too wide"

"This doesn't quite fit but it'll do for now"

"now I need to work on the signal processing"

Project status:

Prototype electronics assembled

Rough case fabricated

Simple program sequence made for collecting audio samples.

Work needing doing:

Redefine the electronics for lower power consumption.

Complete the signal processing model.

Collecting more audio samples

Planning data retrieval schema that doesn't involve removal of device.
