Atmega8 is flashed with an Arduino bootloader, and is clocked with
the internal oscillator at 8MHz. Because the Atmega8 doesn't contain
a sufficient number of PWMs, a software PWM is used to drive two RGB
leds (it requires six PWM channels). A photo resistor is used to
measure the ambient light. Pressing a button until a beep is
generated, the current light level is stored. If the ambient light
goes under this level the skull starts to snore with a very annoying
noise, until the ambient light returns higher the stored level. In
this state 9 different “light effects” are displayed every 20
seconds with the two RGB leds.
the perfboard assembly layout made with an open source program: DIY Layout Creator:
power this thing I used a plug transformer salvaged from a broken
multifunction phone. Because I didn't want to heat the linear
regulator too much, to make things more accurate I did some
measurements at different currents to find the transformer
“equivalent source resistance”, and with a simple interpolation I
found it about 8 Ohm (X = A, Y = V):
And here is a simple LTSpice model of the power supply (before the regulator). The 70 Ohm resistor simulates the load (worst condition):
schematic, the perfboard assembly guide, and the sketch with the
used library are in the Files section (I did the software very
quickly, so it is a little “rude”... anyway it works as
The schematic was hand drawn with a tablet.