
Mother Board Tested

A project log for 8 Bit TTA Interpreter

TTA (Transport Triggered Architecture) is very simple CPU type.

agpcooperagp.cooper 07/27/2018 at 08:360 Comments

Mother Board Tested

Okay, finally got around to assembling and testing the lastest Mother Board.

All good. Uploaded the Arduino sketch (TTA8_IO_TestWorking.ino) that I used.


I have been busy following the Australian "My Healt Record" debacle. It is just amazing how bad politicians lie and how little regard they have for the public.


I have more boards that need to be assembled and tested.

ALU Board Tested

You can add the ALU board to the pass list.

The Timing Board passed the logic analyser test previously.

I have double checked the Program Counter Board but it's hard to test so it passed for the moment.

I will assemble the Timer/Interrupt Board next.

Ordered some 74HC273 chips. Should arrive by friday. After that I can assemble and test the Paged ROM/RAM Memory Board. The ROM code is ready, just need to set up the programmer.

I have assembled a Serial I/O Board but testing can wait.



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