Brain23 is the MCU board for PAC5223 based PowerPACk modules. Brain23 offers access to UART communications, SWD programming/debug, potentiometer interface and Hall Sensor interface. It matches with any power FET board, such as the PowerPACk23_FETs_PMSM or the PowerPACk23_FETs_HB
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05/04/2018 at 13:16
TO247 based Power PACk designed to mesh with the Brain32 controller module. Contains the Power FETs, SENSE resistors, gate drive resistors, phase output voltage dividers, and power connectors.
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05/04/2018 at 12:56
Brain32 is the MCU board for PAC5232 based PowerPACk modules. Brain32 offers access to UART communications, SWD programming/debug, potentiometer interface and Hall Sensor interface. It matches with any power FET board, such as the TO247_PACK or TO220_PACK
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05/04/2018 at 12:48
Stand alone tri phase BLDC motor driver. Intended for small power tools with as much as 20V nominal voltage. 40V Abs Max. 15A RMS (300W or less).
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05/04/2018 at 01:14