
Change the Handicap

Our Projet is to change or at least make people think about the universal symbol of the handicap.

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Our project is going to take place on the street to sensitize people to the cause we are going to defend.

Panneau Handicap Normal.jpg

This is the nowaday handicap sign. We wanted to creat new design to make it more adapted or just creat some other humoristic designs.

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Blue reflective tape.jpg

This is the tape we used to make the background of our different signs.

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White reflective tape.jpg

And this is the tape we cut for our designs to make a contrast between blue and white

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AI screen.jpg

On Adobe Illustrator, we created our designs after doing them on paper. We had to learn everything from the basics to handle this.

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vidéo silhouette cameo.mp4

Here is a example of the Silhouette Cameo in action

MPEG-4 Video - 12.86 MB - 06/14/2018 at 09:20


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