1Build the IMcoder Hardware
With the available gerbers for the PCB and the components list, you can easily solder your own IMcoder module. You just need a soldering iron and some time to put all the components together.
2Program the IMcoder Firmware
With the Arduino IDE and the code in our GIT you just need to program the sketch RTArduLinkIMU.ino.
By default it is configure to use MPU-9250 IMU with SPI, so you are ready to go :)
To establish a connection with the host PC, the HC-05 Bluetooth module should be configured with a baud-rate of 115200.
3Visualizing the data with RTIMULib2
If you want to test the connection with the PC opening a serial console with the COM port binded to the bluetooth module should be enough. You should see characters being printed to the console.
If you want to see the orientation of the sensor and something a little bit more graphic you can follow the instructions in our GIT to compile the visualization software.
Thanks again to richardstechnotes as he did the heavy lifting with his RTIMULib infrastructure.
4Interfacing with ROS
To interface the sensors with ROS, the easiest way is to follow the instructions in the GIT repository under the running-with-hardware section.
Just want to simulate the sensors and play around with the algorithms? Then you just need to follow the instructions under running-simulation section in the IMcoders GIT.
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