
Project Log 5: Bang, fizzle...

A project log for Dynamic Interactivity G2: UN_SDG

A group assignment to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with the use of digital fabrication and physical computing.

carla-labundaCarla Labunda 06/17/2018 at 13:100 Comments


Monday, 11/06/2018

AM: Tightened up pitch deck with final adjustments.

PM: Delivered Client Pitch 1 to project clients. 

Client Pitch 2 scheduled for 28th June.

Friday, 15/06/2018

Entered Hari Raya mood lull.

In preparation for Client Pitch 2, a list of points for group discussion and refinement:

Sunday, 15/06/2018

Gentle awakening from the holiday bug.

Set date for group discussion:

Until then, all discussions will take place online.
