
Project Log 6: Gearing Up to Pitch 3.0

A project log for Dynamic Interactivity G2: UN_SDG

A group assignment to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with the use of digital fabrication and physical computing.

carla-labundaCarla Labunda 06/25/2018 at 08:400 Comments


Tuesday, 19/06/2018

Met up for 6th Group Discussion.

Created collaborative google slide doc "Final Workroom" to continually work on assigned project areas individually. 

Project areas included: 

Wednesday, 20/06/2018

Met up for 7th Group Discussion.

Thursday, 21/06/2018

Met with lecturers for progress report.

Saturday, 23/06/2018

Published group's weekend to-do list.

Due Saturday: 

Due Sunday:

Sunday, 24/06/2018

Continued work individually as distributed day prior.
