
Project Log 7: Client Green Light

A project log for Dynamic Interactivity G2: UN_SDG

A group assignment to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with the use of digital fabrication and physical computing.

carla-labundaCarla Labunda 07/15/2018 at 11:470 Comments


Monday, 25/06/2018

Met up for 8th Group Discussion.

Went through everyone's comments and suggestions on the UN_SDG: Pitch 4.0.pdf pitch deck.

Task list in preparation for pitch deck submission for Client Pitch 2 (extended from 25th June to 27th June):

Tuesday, 26/06/2018

Working day for UN_SDG: Pitch 4.0.pdf pitch deck.

Wednesday, 27/06/2018

Submitted UN_SDG: Pitch 4.0.pdf file to project lecturers for review.

Continued further refinement in preparation for Client Pitch 2.

Thursday, 28/06/2018

Delivered Client Pitch 2 to project clients. 

Set date for group discussion to begin construction planning:
