
Project Log 9: Code, Audio, Materials

A project log for Dynamic Interactivity G2: UN_SDG

A group assignment to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with the use of digital fabrication and physical computing.

carla-labundaCarla Labunda 07/15/2018 at 11:470 Comments



DI working day.

Wednesday, 11/07/2018

Thursday, 12/07/2018

For one of our reactables, we need an old CRT TV. One of our lecturers offered to bring an old one from his house; however, we found out it wasn't working. Our immediate solution was to replace it with a 'mock' CRT TV made up of a PC screen in a foam board body, however, we were encouraged by another lecturer to keep the search for a working CRT TV going.

We also took a trip to the Sunway workshop to review our blueprints. After the 'ok', we set plans to begin structure building. Set date for construction:

Friday, 13/07/2018

Short meet-up to review shopping list.

Saturday, 14/07/2018

Sunday, 15/07/2018

Decided that we would not have an official meeting for discussion on Monday, just independent working day. 

Current list of work in progress:
