
Project Log 11 : User Testing

A project log for Dynamic Interactivity G2: UN_SDG

A group assignment to promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with the use of digital fabrication and physical computing.

felecia-siaFelecia Sia 07/25/2018 at 14:110 Comments



Tuesday, 31/07/2018

Wednesday, 01/08/2018

Thursday, 02/08/2018

User Testing day. 

There is a mad rush to complete the following:

We manage to get everything done, albeit a little over the opening 2pm mark. We tested our core experience with our 7 items and accompanying reactable stories, sans our large structure stored in the Sunway workshop. 

Collected feedback from the client and other students:

After the user test, the group met up to review the feedback and continue planning next steps for updates and changes.

Friday, 03/08/2018

WEEK 12 

Tuesday, 07/08/2018

Wednesday, 08/08/2018 

Thursday, 09/08/2018 

Friday, 10/08/2018 

Final check to confirm video re-shooting schedule over weekend:

Saturday, 11/08/2018  

Sunday, 12/08/2018 
