
Badge Modem

Connecting on wireless network and BBSing made on Hackaday Conference badge

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Badge is from 80' . In that time popular was BBSing era before internet for communication, etc...

Badge is communicate via UART to NodeMCU but you can use other ESP8266 chip. Modem communicate with AT commands.

My plan is to make shield for pins where you can just plug and play Wireless Card.

I will use PCB service from Seeed.

Seeed Fusion PCB Assembly Service offers one-stop prototyping for PCB manufacture, PCB assembly and as a result they produce superior quality PCBs and Fast Turnkey PCBA from 7 working days. When you prototype with Seeed Fusion, they can definitely provide Free DFA and Free functional tests for you! Check out their website to know about their manufacturing capabilities and service.

Link to Seeed Fusion Service within the sentence:
  • 1 × Badge from Belgrade Conference
  • 1 × ESP-12F

  • Prototype v2 Badge Modem

    bosko10/03/2018 at 11:02 0 comments

    Here is schematic of prototype version 2 of BadgeModem. In this prototype i was use ESP-12F and test was successful. I made it to be just simple plug and play. 

    Simple add modem to badge, load program and thats all.


    Closer look of prototype

  • Prototype of Badge Modem

    bosko06/20/2018 at 11:36 0 comments

    Here is schematic of BadgeModem. In this prototype i was use ESP-01 and test was successful. I made it to be just simple plug and play. 

    Simple add modem to badge, load program and thats all.


    Closer look of prototype

    Testing Badge Modem

  • Demo video

    bosko05/31/2018 at 17:22 0 comments

View all 3 project logs

  • 1
    BASIC Code
    5 a = 0
    10 if a > 0 then goto 70
    20 if a < 0 then goto 70
    30 r = uin 0
    40 chr r
    50 a = kin 0
    60 goto 10
    70 uout a
    75 a = 0
    80 goto 10
  • 2
    NodeJS Simple Server
    var net = require('net');
    var sockets = [];
    function cleanInput(data) {
    	return data.toString().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm,"");
    function receiveData(socket, data) {
    	var cleanData = cleanInput(data);
    	console.log("received " + cleanData);
    	if(cleanData === "@quit") {
    	else {
    		for(var i = 0; i<sockets.length; i++) {
    			if (sockets[i] !== socket) {
    function closeSocket(socket) {
    	var i = sockets.indexOf(socket);
    	if (i != -1) {
    		sockets.splice(i, 1);
    function newSocket(socket) {
    	socket.write("Hello Hackaday Badge\n");
    	socket.write('_  _ ____ ____ _  _ ____ ___  ____ _   _\n');
    	socket.write('|__| |__| |    |_/  |__| |  \\ |__|  \\_/ \n');
    	socket.write('|  | |  | |___ | \\_ |  | |__/ |  |   |  \n');                                          
    	socket.on('data', function(data) {
    		receiveData(socket, data);
    	socket.on('end', function() {
    var server = net.createServer(newSocket);

View all instructions

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aaaaaa wrote 07/15/2023 at 17:09 point

this device can use modem:

*phone land line rj

*sound modem similar or 

*irda transmision

*cc1101 or(and) lora for emergency (reticullum or meshtastic)

* 1 wire cable transmission, and rs232 ?

This will be great.

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morgan wrote 10/04/2021 at 16:10 point

Super cool! I did similar for SuperCon 2018! It's super cool to seem to have managed to control from BASIC. That was one of my goals but lack of string support hindered that. We ended up writing a companion 'app' for the Badge as well as ESP32 firmware.

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bosko wrote 11/02/2021 at 15:23 point

Cool! i will check project , thanks anyway!

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[this comment has been deleted]

bosko wrote 09/30/2021 at 21:11 point

I cant add in this badge, but with external arduino i can do that, with serial communication to MicroModem you can communicate with APRS example.

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aaaaaa wrote 07/15/2023 at 17:21 point

I dreaming about emergency device , one, mobile, with power (meybe solar , 18650 and or AA)

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