
All in one micro:bit robotic education platform

A PCBA that contain all the necessary circuitry, sensors, motor for robotic education for BBC micro:bit.

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An all in one circuit board that contain all the parts for bbc micro:bit robot car education needs. It will be a low cost platform that makes it affordable for most students. Students can do simple programming to test various part of the board. Not only student learn hardware programming as well as having fun during learning.

The features of this robotic module is as follow:

1. micro:bit expansion connectors, all micro:bit signals available.

2. 2 motors with motor driver circuit, fully under software control.

3. Wheels with rubber tires for good grip.

4. 2 digital line following sensors.

5. Buzzer

6. powered by 3AA batteries

7. ultrasonic sensor hc-sr04 for distance and object sensing

8. Infra Red sensors and transmitter.

9. multi-color LEDs.

10. scratch API available for easy programming and testing.

11. on board IIC, SPI, UART, PWM, servo connectors

12. expansion slot for future sensors.

13.  compatible with most scratch programs.

14. Compatible with popular other micro:bit robot modules

15. Easy programming with standard scratch, python, C etc.


completed assembly

JPEG Image - 1.17 MB - 06/03/2018 at 11:58


WhatsApp Image 2018-05-29 at 6.06.34 PM.jpeg

PCBA assembled

JPEG Image - 180.74 kB - 06/01/2018 at 07:54


  • 1 × Pca9685 Pwm and iic controller
  • 1 × hc-sr04 ultrasonic transducer
  • 1 × IR sensor standard ir sensor to receive ir remote control signal
  • 1 × IR transmitter standard ir transmitter

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seilerjacinda925 wrote 11/19/2019 at 15:19 point


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