Morphing Digital Clock
06/27/2018 at 18:05 • 0 commentsIf interested, wiring and code is at Instructable
Morphing Digits
06/24/2018 at 05:12 • 0 comments
I'm not proud of the code (it's inelegant brute force), but I'm very pleased with how it looks. Code is on Github. -
Raindrop Desk Toy
06/22/2018 at 05:24 • 0 commentsCircle.h
class Circle { public: Circle(int x_, int y_, int r_, uint16_t c_); int x; int y; int r; uint16_t c; private: }; Circle::Circle(int x_, int y_, int r_, uint16_t c_) { x = x_; y = y_; r = r_; c = c_; }
#include <PxMatrix.h> #ifdef ESP32 #define P_LAT 22 #define P_A 19 #define P_B 23 #define P_C 18 #define P_D 5 #define P_E 15 #define P_OE 2 hw_timer_t * timer = NULL; portMUX_TYPE timerMux = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; #endif #ifdef ESP8266 #include <Ticker.h> Ticker display_ticker; #define P_LAT 16 #define P_A 5 #define P_B 4 #define P_C 15 #define P_D 12 #define P_E 0 #define P_OE 2 #endif // Pins for LED MATRIX //PxMATRIX display(32,16,P_LAT, P_OE,P_A,P_B,P_C); //PxMATRIX display(64,32,P_LAT, P_OE,P_A,P_B,P_C,P_D); //PxMATRIX display(64,64,P_LAT, P_OE,P_A,P_B,P_C,P_D,P_E); PxMATRIX display(64, 32, P_LAT, P_OE, P_A, P_B, P_C, P_D, P_E); //== Circlez == int width = 64; int height = 32; int xo = width / 2; int yo = height / 2; #include "Circle.h" int dropRate = 500; unsigned long timeToDrop; int dropCount = -1; const int dropMax = 3; Circle *drops[dropMax]; #ifdef ESP8266 // ISR for display refresh void display_updater() { //display.displayTestPattern(70); display.display(70); } #endif #ifdef ESP32 void IRAM_ATTR display_updater() { // Increment the counter and set the time of ISR portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR(&timerMux); //isplay.display(70); display.displayTestPattern(70); portEXIT_CRITICAL_ISR(&timerMux); } #endif void InitDrops() { for (int i=0; i<dropMax; i++) { drops[i] = new Circle(0,0,0,0); } } void DropAnother() { if (millis()>timeToDrop) { if (++dropCount>=dropMax) dropCount=0; Circle *aDrop = drops[dropCount]; aDrop->x = random(0,width); aDrop->y = random(0,height); aDrop->r = 1; aDrop->c = display.color565(random(8,32), random(8,64), random(8,32)); timeToDrop = millis() + dropRate; } } void AnimateCircles() { display.fillScreen(0); for (int i=0; i<dropMax; i++) { Circle aCircle = *(drops[i]); if (aCircle.r != 0) { display.drawCircle(aCircle.x, aCircle.y, aCircle.r, aCircle.c); drops[i]->r += 1; } } delay(10); } void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); display.begin(16); #ifdef ESP8266 display_ticker.attach(0.002, display_updater); #endif #ifdef ESP32 timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true); timerAttachInterrupt(timer, &display_updater, true); timerAlarmWrite(timer, 2000, true); timerAlarmEnable(timer); #endif InitDrops(); } void loop() { DropAnother(); AnimateCircles(); }