
Device released

A project log for JBC soldering station

Custom soldering station with JBC T245 pen

andyAndy 02/27/2020 at 07:094 Comments

I was waiting for some last parts to make the device "ready for usage".

Of course, it was also usable without this last missing part (a stand). But why not make this station little bit better? So I have ordered some "Chinese" soldering station holder, which was pretty close to original JBC holder. Here are some results, after necessary modifications...

So I think, now I can set the project to "finished".

The last most important think is that ... . After very long thinking I have made a decision, that I will make the project a public. Anyone can make this device by yourself. I will be very happy, if I see some other users same satisfied as me.

Happy building!


Andy wrote 09/01/2024 at 19:24 point

Sorry, I didn't realize, that some comments are here. Search for "t12-11 soldering station stand" on Ali.

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Chai wrote 12/16/2020 at 12:00 point

Where did you get the holder? I can't find anything similar

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Paździoch Kiepski wrote 06/27/2020 at 10:29 point

how name this holder on aliexpres? or link please

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qingdaoman wrote 03/01/2020 at 09:50 point

Great project! I am eager to make a real one. Thanks for your hard work!

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